Would you like to join the QuickFingersTraders Slack Channel? Here is the invitesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone,

I have gotten so many requests for invites to join the Slack chatroom. Well today is the day!!!

Here is an invite for all those who want to talk with others who are trading my method. Plus I am often in the room, so you can PM me if you want, and I will answer you directly (when I get a chance).


I still cannot believe how big our community has grown, with over 2,500 followers on my blog and already over 1,130 users in the slack channel from the first invite and over 61,982 messages sent! Thanks everyone for being so positive, participating and following,


P.S. I did not create this room or moderate it. There are some great guys working hard keeping this room going, admins: @oneluckyflip, @hodlgod, @pelt, @tizzle ... scanner developers: @niwa ... creator: @allyourbase11 Owners: @tizzle @quickfingersluc


I now that this was posted about six months ago, but it's it still possible to join the slack channel?

There are still no invites for the slack, but you can join the discord group.. its growing fast : https://discord.gg/DZNaM7k

I already did, thanks! so much great information there!

Glad to finally open the gates.
Welcome everybody!

REMINDER: Personalized invitations will be sent via email once you fill out the form. Please check your inbox and make sure you invite wasn't accidentally sent to your spam folder. Welcome everyone to the QuickFingersTraders Slack!

Hiya - I'm unable to sign in using the above link. Can you send me another one? I'm on OS Sierra 10.12.6 if this has any bearing on things. And where do I fill out the form? Many thanks G;)>

Yep I'm in. Forms filled -> awaiting confirmation. Great to be doing something new!

Hi @tizzle, I completed the form 3 days ago. How long does it take to receive the info post filling out the form? I'd appreciate if u can provide some guidance. Tx.

If your account was re-enabled you will not get an email, just log in. Slack doesn't provide a notification for that instance I'm afraid.

Thanks @tizzle. I am in again. I appreciate.

@tizzle Can you please invite me to Slack channel?

Hi@tizzle, the link doesn't seem to be working for me. If there another link I can use?


Hi tizzle.
Is there a way today to get invited to slack channel? As the form looks closed now.

Where can I get the form?

I would like to ask if the QuickFingersTraders Slack Chatroom is at full capacity now and is not open to new members? Thanks kindly.

Thank you for all the time and effort for helping to build an exciting community. Helping someone like me who has seen and bought into many trading BS really has given me great hope. So from the bottom of my heart I thank you all, Luc and everyone involved thank you and See you all there.

I filled out the form from the link above either yesterday or the day before, havent received an email yet. I have checked spam folder too, nothing there.
Would appreciate if you could check whats happened.
Greg J

  1. You should not post your email address in a public blockchain stored social network like this where someone in theory could use your email address to steal your identity. This is particularly dangerous when we are dealing with finances like Crypto. I suggest you delete the email address from your response @gjohncock. 2) We dont have any record of you submitting your information, please visit the link above and fill out the form once again. Good luck!

Thank you all guys for what you are doing. Have filled form twice with yarosvet and yarosvet2 logins but have not received any invite link after form confirmation from google.

@tizzle can you help me some how?

Edit: @hodlgod thank you. I'm in :)

done and done. I noticed I received an email from Google forms this time whereas I did not get an email the first time (although on both occasions the message on the screen after submitting the form said my details had been recorded). Hope you get something from me this time :)

Hi Tizzle, I actually submitted my form about two days ago as well and haven't received anything. My desired username was fhdonnadio. I'm really eager to get into this channel. Thanks!

Check your spam folder for the invite. If it's not there, please resubmit it.

Thanks for the response. I checked the spam folder and it wasn't there. I just submitted it again.

When inviting you again Slack is giving me an error: "The person you are trying to invite is already in the work space."
If you did not get an email and did not join before, please try it with a different email.

Oh man I must have done something stupid. I did it again with another email. fhdonnadio02. Thanks for all the help! I really do appreciate it.

I'm in, thank you so much!

Hey @tizzle,

I submitted a form months ago and recently found the invite in my spam folder. Unfortunately, that invite is no longer valid, and the google forms link is not working. Is there a way I can receive an invite to the Slack?


Luc was hoping I could Joing the Slack! I already filled out the form, Signed up on steam, and upvoted several of your posts! let me know what else I can do to get on! @quickfingersluc

Hi Luc, I just came across your blog and videos. They are great! Unfortunately, you have not been active on steemit and have closed down the invites to your slack chatroom. Would greatly appreciate if you can open the slack invites and post more articles and videos to help newbie traders like me. Thanks!

@quickfingersluc I am also a new sub, is there anyway to join the slack chat at this late date? Love your work also, well done, keep it up buddy!


Would love to join the slack chatroom. Will it be possible to join in the future? I see that it is closed.

Hi... looks like the link is down.. :-(

I would like to be very clear that guys like like @tizzle and @niwa and @pelt are WAAAAAY more responsible for the success of the slack than I am. I just created it based on the desire of the community.

Your still the founder @allyourbase, without you none of us would be there. Much love!

I really am great, thanks guys.

The success of the slack group is @tizzle constant dedication. He is the heart of the group, a loyal Luc's follower and understands Luc's method like no-one.

aww, thnx! I'm just experienced at managing communities, its not my first one. I once guided a forum that has that had 4.6 million visitors/month - you learn a thing or two from that experience that is relevant still to this day in our Slack community.

Good to have you on board with us!!

Is there still a way to join the Slack channel? Please let me know how. Thank you.

Hello Luc , first i want to thank you for sharing your views on trading crypto .
I been trading like this and i must say i been verry consistant altough i still have a small that i need to build up slowly but steady.
The link for the slack room doesnt seem to work , is there a chance that i could get an invite ?
Thank You .

Thanks @quickfingersluc @tizzle @allyourbase11 and all the other guys. Your work is greatly appreciated. :)

Hi @quickfingersluc @tizzle @allyourbase11. It seems I am one of the many who are too late to the Slack party. If I may make a suggestion, you might have greater success handling the volume of people wanting to take part if you started a Discord server. There are many trading groups there already and it just seems to be a much more manageable forum than Slack, which to me, seems more applicable to smaller private groups than large public ones. Anyway, that's my .000002 btc's worth.

Just joined. Many thanks Luc for starting this and to all the folks who are supporting the QuickFingersTraders Slack channel.