Recently did the same and bit the bullet on a couple coins I had on bittrex in order to buy more of the ones I really liked. Sold STRAT and PIVX bought more NEO. Hate taking an L, but I feel the money has a better opportunity elsewhere.
I'm doing a trading/investing hybrid as well. I still chart and use pullbacks to support levels to add to the long-term positions I'm building. Luckily my years of day trading transitions seamlessly into trading crypto. :-)
Yeah, don't get me talking about STRAT.
Okay, okay, I'll talk about STRAT.
I got in on that one later than many, but still fairly early. I rode it up and sold for a nice profit (I'm not a .NET developer so I was like "meh"). Then I kept hearing SO MUCH about it. People I trust as traders and investors going on and on about how great it will be. I did something I knew was the wrong move. I bought back in for a loss, buying at a higher price than I sold. Full on FOMO move. I watched it crash down since then and it wasn't an insignificant holding amount. So... yeah. I'm a bag holder on this one. I haven't dumped it yet, though I probably should have a long time ago.