A Market Cycle, Black Swan Event, Can't Help But Think The System Is Fixed.

in #trading5 years ago

I was just telling someone IRL at the peak of the NASDAQ/DOW bull run that this market had to correct eventually. I even went so far as to say now that there's hype, and greed, it would be time for Wall St. to wipe out all the little guy's 401K's and take back those profits.

I don't want to take anything away from CoronaVirus because I think it's terrible and real. However, the conspiracy side of my brain can't help but think that maybe this is a perfect excuse to wipe out those gains and use it as an excuse for a correction.

It just seems like whenever we reach record market heights there's always some black swan event that occurs that screws everything up. IDK, I'm just rambling and thinking out loud. Frankly, I'm convinced we're all playing in a rigged game. The fix is in. Market manipulation makes the rich richer, and keeps the average person in their place.

I also can't help but think that every time alts look like they're starting to make a comeback, the black swan event arrives. Exchange hacks, government regulation fud, corona virus. I was just getting ready to go on an alt buying spree too.

That is all....

Any thoughts?


The market is always being manipulated by those with the power to do so. I expect a few people can swing a given crypto with pocket change. Of course those with billions of volume are harder to influence. I still think that most coins have little real value as they are only being speculated on. Steem just seems undervalued considering thousands make use of it every day.

I don't really know what to think anymore tbh 😷

Yeah, me neither :))