Old Training and New Rage!
Getting back to training. Gotta prepare for the upcoming contest.
I hold back the tears and swallow the pain.
I let hurt turn to rage.
I know rage.
Rage is more useful than pain.
I let it take hold.
I will use it to harden my heart and my fists.
I will let it fuel me in my training. The training I will use to fix the shitty attitude of certain individuals.
Told it would be best to remain silent and ignore those that cause me grievance. Things have been allowed to fester longer than they should have. This dispute that apparently cannot be handled in the new "peaceful anarchist" method will be handled in the oldest of old school ways.
Single unarmed combat!
Two enter the field of combat, one walks out, the victor decides the results of the dispute, all drama ceases, and everyone backs down and goes back to their own god damn lives.
I challenged is the "Alpha Male" of the Toxic Hippie Kid tribe of Lily Mountain. He is basically a poorer dirtier version of Berwick. Yet I have not received a reply to my invitation to settle this dispute like men. I am not surprised as he is a blowhard and a pussy.
All I wanted was to leave the toxic negativity and find peace but he and his pathetic followers could not let me go!
The scumbags assaulted my friends online but these friends asked me to remain silent...
I complied!
They attacked me behind my back, trying to get me voted out of the community like this is some reality TV show, I was told to remain silent and let others handle the situation...
I complied!
But the damage had already been done!
Dug into my past and found a girl I forgot about, who thinks a look is sexual assault yet claims to be an anarchist. She accused me of sexual assault for trying to kiss her...
Don't worry hun, it won't happen again as you got all fat and gross.
These AnarchoSJW's exaggerated the claims and tried to make me out to be a rapist and tried to drag my name through the mud.
What they didn't know is I don't have a reputation I give a shit about or care what anyone thinks of me. They thought their opinion or others matters. I have never pretended to be someone I wasn't but all of them wore a mask to fool me. Showing everyone a false image to hide their shitty personalities. They talk shit about me but at least I was real with them.
Fraudulent fuck tards!
I admit I have been angry so long I have forgotten why.
I was trained to be aggressive longer than most have been out of puberty.
I had grown into manhood embroiled in a world of violence.
I am very dangerous to those that wrong me or threaten those I hold dear.
At least I know who I am and present myself as such, unlike the idiots that tried to ruin a name I don't care about.
I told my side of the story in a previous post here if you want to read it click here
I cared not if they went after me but they targeted my love.
They contacted the goddess I had been trying to help through her struggles with PTSD. A woman I had developed deep feelings for. Their accusations and butthurt drama made her feel unsafe to come here. Made her act in a way I did not understand because I did not know they could be so underhanded and shady. Caused me to act irrationally out of the anger they caused me.
They caused her pain and this I cannot and will not let go!
I miss being able to make her laugh when she calls crying.
I miss hearing her happy.
I miss her sweet Slavic rage. Her beautiful brutality is what dreams are made of. I long to hold her and keep away the demons of the world. Now because of peoples childish behavior, she is far from me and in pain... Pain that this paradise could have eased.
I will have retribution for these N.A.P. violating actions!
To the one that I will soon face in battle:
You brought this on yourself. You wouldn't let me leave in peace so now you get only war. You are a child that needs to be humbled and taken down a few pegs. I have had my fair share of ass beatings and will share this experience with you.
I have nothing left to lose. The actions of you and your people have left me hollow.
I will be your punisher!
That is all, carry on...
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@pauliepro, I gave this a 100% upvote because I care about you, and feel badly that you have endured so many painful experiences... before Aca, and certainly in Aca.
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for you, and it is because I experienced the softness of your heart. That is how I still see you! Even with all your warrior's training, and this challenge to duke it out. I still see past that, for some reason.
I don't support combat outside of self-defense. This post suggests you feel you have something to defend... something beyond you and your name. But one question for you, Paul:
If this is true, then why not BE DONE with it. Make a unilateral decision THAT IT IS OVER.
That power (of restraint) is in your hands too, soldier! There are many ways to fight. And fists are rarely the best.
When friends have asked you to stand down -- like I'm doing now -- it's because it's the only way to really put out the raging fire.
WHAT IF you directed your considerable energy and creativity into something constructive? Anarchapulco is having a Rage Room as one of its experiences. Everyone knows that you know rage. What if you took the next 30 days, and poured yourself into a Useful Something that could possibly add value to that experience?
Show the community what good can come from rage.
Channel it ALL -- every grievance and offense -- into something usable for others. Rebrand yourself. Make some Warrior's Art. Warrior's Medicine. Take your warring to the Next Level... by ADDING your brain and your heart, to the fruit of your physical strength.
With love, that is my challenge to you! ❤
First I would like to give a further feeling to the training videos as this is now my chosen soundtrack for training.. Wanna set the mood of my mood a little bit more.
I would also like to make the following statement to mitigate any fears one may have as to my intentions when writing this original post.
I, Paul Emerson Propert II,
Also known as "El Loco Gringo"
Also known as "Angry Scary Dangerous Womanizing Redneck Veteran Hillbilly Lowlife Dark Party Wizard"
Do hereby solemnly swear and affirm, that any contest between, I the grieved, and the one previously referred to in the same post, will be completely voluntary and will not happen without the consent of both parties.
I do still believe that the philosophies of freedom are important even if there are those that only preach about it.
I will also be setting up some sort of blockchain cryptocurrency betting pool system. Also working on marketing ideas to raise a "victors purse" which will have a percentage donated to the looser as a participation trophy.
I attempt to find out when the scales tip from fear to greed. I am curious to see how much it would actually take to make this happen. Might make a buck or two and may even have a charity thing involved... Idk yet.
It will be fun. We can make training progress videos, have fundraisers, and do some good for others. What does anyone have to lose?
Catching a beatdown isn't that bad. It will be educational and for the benefit of all involved.
For me, it's all about the party so I will just take gonna this idea and run with it.
Let's say if said individual backs out I would be awarded the entire prize money and all bets are refunded... Sounds fair no?
I can be creative and put my anger to constructive use, I can growz!
I'll remain voluntary, no statist shit needed. ;-)