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RE: Transgender 101: Episode 5; "Transphobia" Why do I keep getting called a bigot? (You mad Bro?)

in #transgender7 years ago

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to just calm down? ha ha ha...
Sometimes my husband even suggests I might be a little too sensitive about this or that gender issue or sexist/racist comment or whatever. I just keep trying to explain why it DOES matter.
I hate that the world is so dangerous for transgender folks. Living in Atlanta, I don't think I can understand what it's like in smaller towns. Doraville right near here just elected Stephe Koontz, first transgender city council woman - so it seems like progress, but there's still a long way to go.
I just took a survey for a 14yo about people's general knowledge of transgender people and issues. It was very well done and I hope it will reach a lot of people!
We just need to let people live their lives :-)


There are for sure weeks in which I dearly wish I did not care as much as I do. It all gets to be very taxing at times but your right. We are making progress. And where as it may not be a ton its something and it keeps me going for sure!! Hope your day is lovely! 🦄🦄🦄