Penny explains things, Episode 1. Anti Transgender arguments and why they are wrong.(revisit)

So, as the trans community takes a collective deep breath and prepares to enter the fray yet again, I would like to challenge those bigoted individuals calling for our death to come up with actual sound arguments and not just dust off the same old "I'm scared by all things different" and "I'm a bigot" arguments that we as transgender people hear every day. In order to push this forwards a bit I'm going to put the relevant data out there disproving the most common things I hear as to why people want to consider trans people as less then human and remove them from public life.


Anti Transgender Argument One: If we allow Transgender people into the bathroom of there choice they will attack children and rape people. We have to marginalize them because its unsafe for us and will get our children hurt!


Refutation: So, to start with this argument is now, and always has been, an appeal to emotion. As there are exactly zero cases of a Transgender person attacking anyone in a restroom. Now I'm aware of the family law centers big long list however, amusingly, it is a long list of indictments against men, but not in any way against trans people.

The person using this argument is in no way worried about children or women's safety. If they where in fact looking threw the data and genuinely concerned about something it would be trying to undo the damage to young men's souls that cause them to grow into predators and rapists. The numbers bare out that there is indeed a crisis, not one involving trans people but one involving how poorly we raise men in this culture. If you want to protect children and women stop hitting your kids, talk to your children about sexuality, stop verbally abusing them and don't teach girls to be beholden to the male gaze. These things actual have credible sources showing that they work to lower overall violence.

When this argument is used I stop it in my world immediately. There is no value to this line of thought, it is not fact based, it is gas lighting, it often degrades into an appeal to emotion that goes no where. Trans-phobic bigots, stop using this one it has no power and lacks any type of truth.


Anti Transgender Argument 2: Transgender people are Mentally ill and we shouldn't harm them by giving into their delusional state.

Refutation: This always makes me giggle! First it is argument from authority as in order to use this you must not have done any digging and simply bwant to put the person you are talking too on the defensive by sounding like you have viable information. I myself have been tripped up by this seemingly potent accusation.

Second, it is an argument based in bias, it began because there has always been a stigma around trans people, people look at us as outsiders and as the other, they react to that fear by forming justifications for those completely baseless thoughts. The Stigma of mental illness is simply not true. Body dismorphia is a symptom of being transgender, not all trans people suffer from it, nor is it considered to be abnormal to experience it. It makes complete sense to have body image issues when you are presenting as the wrong gender. This does not equal out to mentally ill.

Third, if a Transgender person seeks to remedy themselves by using hormones or surgery or both they are required to see a mental health professional and be deemed healthy before pursuing those changes to their person. This means that in practice, not even in theory, that if you have never had a mental health evaluation and you call a trans person on hormones mentally ill, you are in fact the unbalanced person in the room. The trans person you are unloading your bigoted rage on is certifiably in better mental health than you are. You should prolly drop that argument, it makes you look foolish and uneducated.


Anti Transgender Argument 3: Transgender people are a fad/conspiracy/plot/new/Russian plan/robots.

Refutation: The earliest grave found denoting a trans individual was found in Mesopotamia and dates back nearly 3000 years. Egypt has records of trans people, native cultures not tied to a binary gender system have always had and accepted trans people. We have existed for all of history and will continue to do so. If you see us around more its because we are starting to stand up for our right to exist. This is costing us lives, our murder rates are doubling lately. Not because we want to take over or harm your kids or influence your thoughts but because we are human and deserve in every single way the respect of being able to live hour life without being some side issue in a political debate.


In Closing: If you have not studied this issue and are simply relying on your gut, you are wrong. Look into it, talk to a trans person in a real way, and learn before you open your mouth. Stop allowing these right wing nutters to fill you up with nonsense. Think for yourself. Big money is going into dividing us, stop letting it.


Yes, I am a Transgender women. I am also an Ancap, an investor in crypto, a free thinker, a mother and a Mistress. Being trans is not the end all definition of me. I fear for my kids safety just like you. I am human, just like you. There is no reason that is sensible to cut off trans people and brand them sub human, in doing so you are showing the world who you are, not who I am and frankly its not great looking. Feel free to ask me questions.



I think I'm probably one of the lucky ones, I haven't had the backlash that so many trans people talk about experiencing. Perhaps it's because of my age, I don't really know. I know a couple of younger trans people that have had a lot of problems with other people, so I know it happens pretty often. I transitioned in 2007, so it's been 10 plus years now for me. I'm currently stuck in the middle due to certain circumstances, but I'm farther than I ever thought was possible when I was younger. The internet opened up a new world for me, before that, the information on transition just wasn't commonly available.

i feel you on that for sure. When I was younger there wasent a word for what I felt available and it made it very difficult to understand myself and how too interact with the world, im so happy the information is so available now! Im a bit older and where as its not a daily thing I do get harassed, I had to move to get away from some of it, but honestly I wouldn't trade a second of being the real me for less harassment. I have a very public facing job its difficult but worth the exposer because I know I am a first impression for most cis people here, its like the next step forward to equality and all that, just wish people would get better about it all. Hope your well!

The problem here is I see the same type of "politics" involving trans people that I see with, say, scientific racial studies. Do the wrong kind of results or get the wrong kind of evidence, try to be a good scientist, and suddenly you're a pariah in the scientific community. That stifles scientific progress.

I'd address all of your points, I personally am not anti-trans but often when repeating or analyzing points that have some pretty good science behind them people automatically assume I'm being a bigot or am on the attack.

The bathroom issue was just political nonsense meant to rile up the voter base, thankfully it backfired.

What do you say about the trans people that do get surgery, access to hormones, etc., but still kill themselves or can't shake the depression?

What do you think about parallels between people not finding solace in the groups that they were born into and being able to find that elsewhere? Is it a coincidence that so many furries are gay, and that the furry movement started before it was in vogue to come out?

What do you think about studies that show that there is stress-mediated cellular changes to the brain in persons that show a desire to be trans? Is it all just a big coincidence that many trans persons are living in terrible conditions in the first place? (think poor black trans women in the inner city, not what's her face the crazy-driving manslayer)

Would it be too far-fetched to believe that if we are to superimpose activity that we see in the animal kingdom (if you believe in evolution, and we're descended from primates, and they're related to reptiles, and they came out of the oceans, so you might see where I'm going with this one) to the human domain then there are actually many species that change sex based on certain environmental factors. Being one sex or the other is simply too competitive at the time so then they are able to switch, think lizards and fish and so on, there could possibly remain the relics of such a mechanism in the human brain, but we have obviously lost the capacity somewhere along the line to simply change our sexual organs independently.

Interesting article, glad to read your take on it, not attacking you with these questions, and I'm in the camp that we need to start looking at all people as equal beings, but also need to not shy away from searching for explanations so that we can have them ready when people are curious about their origins.

First off let me say clearly that as long as you remain polite and to the point there will never be a point that conversation is not allowed on my page, as it says in my header, which you must not have read, I am an atheist an anarchist and and so you can assume my perspective moving forward is godless and science based.

I will respond to your points cronalogicly and ask that you reply in the same manner so as not to lose a thread in the discussion.

First to your cry for fairness breaches in the reporting of junk science. There is no evidence that the very limited entirely politically funded studies that get shouted down about trans people are being subjugated or are being silenced, even amature takes of these studies show how lacking in evidence and one sided the research is. Its not oppression its dismissal of junk science.

As to your question about trans suicides after hormones and surgery. This is a non-question and you and I both know that. There are people who commit suicide for a number of reasons, fixing your gender issues may not fix all of your health issues, the rates of post of suicidality in the trans community is on par with the rate of cis suicide which if you think about it means that post op trans people are exactly like cis people, with the same problems and hurdels to climb.

The furry thing is not a part of this discussion, gender is not sexuality and click and trend studies where dismissed as garbage in the late nineties along with the alpha statues bullshit. I know several furries and they are lovely queer individuals that are fun and fascinating.

Those brain studies where not linked to trans people at all and the studies group was so small that to say it was inconclusive would be stretching it. Also and you need to understand this, this picture of poor marginalized people who stress out and turn trans is a fantasy, the tech field is where most trans people are, regardless of color. We that find ourselves early face a life of repression and it hurts us fiscally for sure but its society's foot, not the lack of power or will in the trans community. I never felt out of the main until I came out, that's when it starts, you can read actual numbers and realise this but also every data pool and survey tells us that social or economic situation has no bearing on gender disphoria. Educate yourself it's frustrating to repeat myself.

The gender change theory is interesting to me and something I have looked into allot, though I've yet to find any real evidence I do think as brain scanning tech improves we will find some sort of primordial switch. Can't wait:-) be well, I hope your day his lovely.

There's an issue I've read somewhere, I'll leave it here knowing that I have no proof or further readings into this: there's a problem, I've learned, on people that have transitioned but have realised that they really weren't gender-disphoric, and it's my understanding that these people (whatever their numbers are) are the ones that are having high suicide rates and that's the source of the rumour about transgenders as suicidal individuals (which they are not). Don't kill the messenger and I'm not even that sure this is true, but if it was, still not a reason for questioning anyone's choices.

I take no issue with Transgender people. It is a non-issue to me. I think they are interesting people with interesting stories.

I don't care where anyone pees. The issue is a non-issue there are many people who feel uncomfortable in the bathroom for a variety of reasons. Your reasons are no more or less of a concern to me than anyone elses.

With that being said, I hope my acceptance is enough. See you around!

I agree that it should be a non issue, thanks for stopping by hope your day is lovely 🖤🦄👑💋

you look so sweet

People are all just people. The labels just segregate and promote civil unrest imho.

I honestly cant wait until i dont need a label and people just treat me like a person. One day soon i hope. 🖤🦄👑but i agree 100%.

Say, you're an ANCAP??? Great to know!!!

The whole problem with all this is: "what does anyone care?". That's beyond me. Nobody but oneself knows what's going on with one's body.

Maybe you'd like to check out the Muxes, it's a tradition from one of my country's (Mexico) native ethnicities. I think you'll find it very interesting.

I'm following you know.

I am in fact ancap😁

ya it should be a non issue, i dont get it eaither im harming no one.🖤🦄👑

awesome i will check them and your blog out! hope your day is amazing!🖤🦄👑

I followed back🖤🦄👑

Thank you for this brilliant dismantling of the most common arguments. <3

no problem 🖤🦄👑

very nice post


I used to think that by the 30th gender I've read about, it was starting to get ridiculous, but then I thought, but why should I care? If a person wants to identify as two spirited rather than bi-gendered, why should I care? How would that even conceivably affect me?

It doesn't. Trans people don't bother anyone else. They ask for the most basic acceptance, and that's it.

As a genderfluid person, I'm asking even less of society, and I'm not getting it :/

couldn't agree more, your always welcome here dear one! :-)

I commend your bravery as you invite conversation and increase opportunities to educate people who are functioning from views based in ignorance. We're all people, each of us coming from different perspectives, and diversity is a beautiful thing! I don't know if you've seen the #womenspeakout tag yet, but you're more than welcome to contribute to that initiative. (I think you already are, even if you're not using the tag!) Keep being you. You're amazing!

Thank you so very much! I do my best, comforted in the absolute knowledge that my voice is one in a wonderful chores. I for one thrive on diversity for sure:-)

I have not looked into it but i will for sure now, thank you so much for letting me know about it! :-)