Summary of Reverse Reality book series

in #trapped7 years ago

Book 1 of 5 Trapped Between Two Worlds

First to define two terms
Original- a real person in our world
Double- a fictional character based on a real person I know; all my volunteers to be included in my book
They look exactly the same as the real person; similar behavior traits and usually share same first Name (one case both first and last name)

Exception - my double; The Dark Lord’s first name is Edward (close enough to Ned, but not quite)

The story takes place in both this world and an imaginary world, medieval time
The imaginary world is a mirror of ours
Westlandia which is the main continent is same as Europe
Divided by 3 major kingdoms; purposely called after neighborhoods in my home town of Sofia, to make it seem more real
The Unknown World= Africa and Asia
The Hell Lands - North and South America, long before they were discovered by Columbus

So supposedly Ned (me) a few years from now, who has now moved to Berlin, Germany, meets a professor, Myles Goldenberg, who has invented a device, which Mind Travels anywhere, including in alternate worlds which technically don’t exist. So Ned visits his imaginary world, his creation so to speak. He likes the experience so much he comes back again and again. On the third time, he is tricked by his double, The Dark Lord, who manages to steal the device from him, and transfers Ned to the imaginary world, while he comes to take his place to the real world. To add salt to the injury, The Dark Lord transfers 7 of his friends, who are based on real people into the imaginary world, but makes Ned who is now believed to be the Dark Lord, and his friends, whose doubles represent people from noble families, look like traitors, so not only are they now stuck in an imaginary world, but are also locked up.

Also the professor who has invented the mind traveling device, has a double of his own, also called Myles, but a sorcerer with magic powers. The real Myles is currently being investigated for a murder of a child, he did back in the day but never caught. Two police officers, one American and another Scottish from Interpol, arrest him and are about to extradite him to the US. Obviously he doesn’t go to jail, so he makes a deal with Ned’s double, the Dark Lord, to help him come to our world, if he helps him come to his in exchange.

The Dark Lord kills Myles’ double, the Grand Sorcerer, then transfers Myles Goldenberg in his place (so he is the new sorcerer now), sets up Ned and his friends, comes to our world, and tricks the detectives who arrested Goldenberg, so they are now transferred to the imaginary world also. And each of them has a completely separate important role and plot of their own(of their own doubles to be precise)

Ned and his friends escape. Ned is hit on the head, gets amnesia, and now thinks he is the Dark Lord, which makes it even harder for any of his friends to come back to the real world. They have all split up during the runaway going different directions. Some run into Jon and Robert (the two detectives).
Plenty of adventures and fucked up situations are in store for all of them

With them running away is where part 1 of book 1 ends, or end of chapter 17. This is where the actual story begins - Chapter 18 will be part 2
Currently on chapter 16. Expect book 1 to be 35-40 chapters. 5 books total

Book 2 - A quest for reality- true meaning of brainwashing; The Dark Lord creates his own reality in the real world. He replaces real drug Lord gangsters with doubles from the book, who are ready to serve him. Thus he becomes the new Gangster Leader. Also considering for him to join the dark Web and participate in human trafficking

Book 3 - The Unknown World-
The two detectives Robert and Jon plus a few of Ned’s friends travel to the Unknown Worlds; though different parts of it, seeking for answers

Book 4 - The Kong’s Heir -
some real messed up stuff happen in both the real and imaginary world

Book 5 - Magic verses technology

  • all 20 different plots from both worlds come together; even more messed up shit happens