
worth to note that there were other things on treding but the voting police kills them with 100% votes all the time to only let this on the front for new people to see when they come ;)

Hmmmm, and some way more meaningful posts won’t make it to the top. However, it is important to note that most of those posts are drawing attention to the overwhelming problems and challenges currently facing the steem ecosystem

This has been the trend for 2+ years...see what I did there?

Yeah, you’ve always tried defending the weak. They fought you, a battle that many didn’t understand and others supported.
Now, a lot many would be on your side. Most of the things you used to frown at and fought against on this platform were worth fighting against

you should do this often, maybe also one for "hot" and "promoted" as well

Nothing of any interest whatsoever to the outside world. And I know you'll likely disagree with me on this, but we do have some entertaining content we could display.

I keep ringing the bell that when the good stuff does come (non-steem stuff in particular) we need to boost it onto trending, but everyone is so preoccupied with their own shit. It's frustrating.

shit, you find the most amazing gifs for the right times....

hear hear

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My last post managed to land in Trending for a few minutes a couple of days ago. It was the first time in two years and it made me feel a bit nostalgic.

Yep, and you're one author who writes content I would consider good enough to be on Trending, that might actually attract people who don't care about Steem's issues...

I appreciate that. I'm working on a ton of new fiction this year (short stories, the sequel to Alarm Clock Dawn, etc.) I'll be testing the waters again to see how it's received here. I hope you're having a good 2020 so far!

If Bernie approves then you must be a hell of a writer.

Well there's my problem. No wonder my curation awards are such shit. I have voted for 3 out of the top 200 posts on trending, (autovoted that is). I have read 4 of the posts. Those 4 posts are about the only thing worth reading on trending.

This echo chamber seems to be getting a bit more of an echo to it as time goes on.

I find it hilarious how all those promo-steem posts are written on Steem lmao. It's like we're promoting Steem to those who already know about it. Smfh

What's wrong with circles? Better than a octagonal-jerk. Tricky to get the angles right.