Active volcanoes of RussiasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel-life6 years ago

Active volcanoes of Russia

Volcanoes with constant activity pose a certain threat to those living nearby. You can find out where such geologically unsafe places in our country are located by looking at volcanoes on a map of Russia. In total, there are about two hundred, which is about eight percent of the total number of active volcanoes on Earth. In Russia, active volcanoes are mainly located in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

Experts constantly monitor the processes occurring in them. The eruption of the volcano is a rare sight that will not leave anyone indifferent in the face of the playing out of the inner elements of the planet.

Klyuchevsky volcano is the largest and oldest volcano in Russia, located on Kamchatka. The estimated age of the volcano is 7000 years. During the last hundred years, the volcano has woken up more than 50 times. At present, the height of the cone of the volcano is 5750 meters and increases with each new eruption. The diameter of the main crater is half a kilometer. You can see the eruption of Klyuchevsky during the active phase, which occurs once every 5 years, after which the volcano falls asleep for 10-12 years. Predict in advance when he wakes up volcanologists can not. The last eruption of the volcano was in July 2007. Then the molten lava was ejected to a height of almost 1.5 km, and dust and gas clouded the area for 20 km.

Berg Volcano is located on the island of Urup of the Kuril archipelago. Named after the physicogeographer and biologist L. S. Berg. The height of the volcano is 1040 meters. Since the moment when it was first found in 1946, it erupted several times, the last of them was recorded in 2005. Since then, thermal activity has been recorded, accompanied by hot vapors and gases escaping from the crevices. Two rivers originate from the volcano's caldera: Marya and Daria. Streams of water fall from a height of 150 meters cliff. Around the volcano Berg grows sparse vegetation. From living creatures you can find teas and cormorants, which nest here.

Chikurachki volcano is located on the island of Paramushir of the Kuril archipelago. The volcano has a rather respectable age. Its volcano reaches 1816 meters. This is the highest and most active volcano in the Kuriles. The last eruption was recorded in 2008. Then the ash column rose to a great height, which represented danger for the aircraft. During a period of weak activity, only gas emissions from crevices are observed.

On the same island there is another Ebeko volcano , which has several craters and an altitude of 1156 m. The last eruption of Ebeko was in 2010. Since then, he periodically spits out streams of gas and lava, which also poses a danger to airliners. The increase in the content of hydrogen sulfide in the air, can cause nausea and headache in residents. The slopes of the volcano are overgrown with alder bushes and rhododendrons.

Sarycheva Volcano is located on the island of Matua in the Kuril archipelago. Unlike Chikurachka, he is quite young, and gives a height of 320 meters. For the first time, its volcanic activity was mentioned in the 18th century, and the last eruption was in 2009. The incandescent streams of volcanic content destroyed the sparse vegetation on its slopes. Since then, nothing grows on it. Sarycheva Volcano is not sleeping, smoke constantly rises from the crater and sometimes hot lava flows come out.

The active volcanoes of Russia are in places that are quite difficult for ordinary travelers. Visiting them is also dangerous because experts, even with the use of the latest achievements of science and technology, cannot determine the time and probability of an eruption. You can fly close by helicopter only to a volcano whose lava flows to the surface through lava cracks, and does not break out in height. The incredible beauty of hot lava flows attracts hunters for impressions and gorgeous photos.


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