The Importance of Experience: How Travelling is my Greatest Teacher

in #travel7 years ago

For the last five years, I have spent almost every possible moment travelling – anywhere was my goal. I was bitten by the travel bug, and I couldn’t stop itching. My journey took me to teach English in China, study permaculture in Thailand, join the circus in Peru, practice yoga in India, and so much more. I lived in four countries and visited thirteen. In these five years, I also managed to complete a bachelor’s degree and get started on a master’s.

Location: Teotiahuacan, Mexico “Where Men Become Gods”

I can whole heartedly testify that I have learned more about the world and myself in the twenty months of my life abroad than I have in all seventeen years in a formal classroom.

I’m not diminishing education – I think that school is fabulous. But travel is better, that is, if its travel by choice, for the sake of wanderlust, knowledge, and personal growth.

Location: Tangshan, China – Halloween Party with my students (it’s not a Chinese Tradition)

Travel is one of the fastest routes to personal growth, one of the highest forms of education. I go to places my wildest dreams could never image, and then I adapt. At first, I only saw the differences - "wow, this culture is so very contrasting to mine!" But I kept traveling long and steadfast, and eventually noticed that we are all the same. Humans love to eat, love, play, and pray. Lines drawn on a map faded into metaphor as I started to identify with humanity as my culture, compassion my politics, and love my religion.

Location: Piura, Peru – training for the circus

Tell me in the comments: how has travel changed you? Or maybe you haven’t managed to travel yet – where would you like to go, and what would you like to learn there?

If you liked this article please Upvote, Resteem, and Follow me @AcroButterfly

If you want to see more crazy acrobatics, check out this epic balancing video where I defy gravity and challenge the status quo with poetry!!!


That first photo made me smile haha! Im following you, excited to share in the journey.

Thank you very much! :) I'm excited to share with you!

You are an amazing being @acrobutterfly. I'm so encouraged by the folks I'm reading about here to see that the younger generation is out there and "getting it". News (which I rarely tune into) can be so discouraging, so to be able to find people who are taking a different path today is wonderful. I mean, my generation tried but unfortunately so many of the "hippies" did turn into "yuppies" and left their ideals behind.

What I have loved most about my travels has been the meeting of other people and mostly I'm the oldest one in the youth hostels (but certainly not always). I love that so many people are taking advantage of traveling the world. In my day, heading to Europe after high school was a big deal. Now I meet people who have been traveling the world for 6, 10, 18 months, or like you, 5 year. It's marvellous.


Wow, your genuine words are such a blessing!!!
Thank you thank you thank you 💚
An de that's doc awesome that you are travelling and staying known hostels!!! What a fun time! It is so great to meet the diverse and of family the beaten track people who stay there :)

rs and upvote for you....

Thankyou!!! I appreciate the support :)

u r welcome...

Wow, I love this first photo a lot!

Thank you very much!!! That was such a fun day, exploring the ruins!!!

Yeah I bet it was :D

My goal is to travel also! Need more money though! Follow me @deliverance

No, you really don't need more money. You need a strong will. I've met so many people who travel with pennies. It's just a matter of priorities.

This is amazing, and you have a fantastic blog.
Following :)

Thank you so very much!!! :)

So inspiring! Thanks!

It's my pleasure!!!

I agree you can learn a lot from traveling.

Being exposed to so many different cultures is such a great learning experience.

Yes it truly is!!! Teaches you soooo much about the world and yourself all at once.