When I was 18, I Ran Away and Joined the Circus... in Peru! (True Story)

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Well, I originally went to Peru to teach global cultures and creativity to younglings.

But once I arrived, I met circus people. For the first time in my life, I felt what it meant to "resonate" with someone. After they showed me their tricks, I hopped up and tried to copy them. With a background in AcroDance, I was successful enough that they offered to teach me their ways!

I was already relatively flexible (I've been obsessed with stretching my whole life), so they trained me up with the deepest stretches of my life. I discovered parts of my body that I had never knew existed before. Before I knew it, I was performing as a contortionist!


I even let them put makeup on me!


After performances, we'd be very hungry. So we went in full costume and makeup to the grocery store!

After I gained strength and flexibility, they taught me the silks and ariel hoop!

The name of the circus was Djembekuya, a play on the African drum the djembe. Other members of the circus included gymnasts fliping through the air, handstand masters, fire spinners, jugglers, and clowns.

These were, honestly, some of the best months of my life. We performed for pay at a parties and events, and for free in underprivileged parts of town. If you haven't been able to tell from my previous posts, I LOVE adrenaline. Performing gave me a whole different type of high. Interacting with the audience, telling a story, gaining their applause; it all lifted me up into the clouds.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to upvote and resteem!



Hahah that's awesome! How crazy the andventure of life can be 🔥🙌

Love this story! Thanks for sharing!

glad you love it! Thanks for reading!

What an incredible adventure!
Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed reading your story.

I'm so glad you enjoyed! Stay tuned for many adventures to come :)

Thanks so much!!!

Wow you are full of surprises, what an amazing story. Can't believe I missed this one, I have Upvoted your comments on this post instead :)

So sweet! Thanks for up voting the comments Mark! You rock! :)

Great story! I have many friends who also ran away to join the circus. It's very admirable and I'm so happy to hear you followed your heart. :)

Wow cool!!! Yes its such a great path to follow :) I'ma check you out right now!

omg WHERE in Peru is that alpaca pic?! I couldn't get any alpacas to take pics with me when I was there! Cutest pic ever!!!!!! Omg now I need to go back lol.

That's a crazy cool story, too btw