How Traveling will Set You Free - Costa Rica Adventures!

in #travel7 years ago

Costa Rica Adventures

Not until I was around the age of 27 had I ever traveled outside the country. I had gone on many road trips with my family through out my childhood. It would be weekend trips or when ever there was a holiday. We would go to the coast of California, Tahoe, Yosemite. All these places are magnificent and beautiful and I am grateful to had been able to experience these places. Although, this was nothing like the experience of traveling abroad and seeing a different parts of the world.

From the age of 19-25 I had been working a full time job in the construction industry. I would always work long hours. My routine was work.

I noticed that a lot of my friends had traveled outside the United States. This got me super curious to do the same. I wanted to leave my comfort zone and go somewhere new and adventure.

My first time traveling abroad was a trip to Costa Rica. A friend had mentioned that she and two others where planning on going to Costa Rica. She had invited me and I jumped on the opportunity.

Costa Rica is a beautiful amazing place. Luscious green forests, epic beaches, friendly people, awesome food!

A happy horse I found walking around on the beach.



Costa Rica beaches are wonderful!!

It will randomly rain and still be warm out, like an outdoor warm shower. Very pleasant!



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One of the things I absolutely loved about Costa Rica was the fruit stands!!


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If you are in Costa Rica you have to experience the zip lines!

Cheer, Costa Rica!!

So after my Costa Rica trip it inspired me to travel the world! I had the traveling bug. There are so many amazing places to see and people to meet!
I love seeing diffent places and immersing myself in diffent cultures. I find this is how we learn more about our self and other people.

I would love to hear from all of you on your favorite places that you have traveled to.
Who else has been to Costa Rica?

I hope you enjoyed my post!
Please upvote and follow me @acromott


I have never been to costa rica but your pictures looking amazing and now I am questioning my life decision which led me to not have been there so far ;-).

I sold alsmost everything I had 3 month ago and started to travel also and I am currently in thailand and will propaly stay in asia for a bit longer but who knows

That is awesome!! Traveling is so good for people. It really opens you up to so many different experiences.
Thailand is a beautiful place!
What part of Thailand are you currently in?

I am in phuket atm.

There is a street which is totally focused on fitness. You find a lot of gyms and healty food here, which is good for me as I am trying to get rid of some weight I have gained.

Costa Rica looks breathtakingly beautiful. Haven't been yet, would love to experience "la pura vida."

Thanks for sharing your adventure!

La Pura Vida :)
Thanks so much for checking out my post!
I am glad you enjoyed it!

Looks like you had an awesome trip @acromott was this trip paid for by USD or STEEEM MOFUCKING Dollars. hehe

Thanks so much!
It was with USD.
Hopefully I can have Steem help me out with a future trip someday. ;)

This post received a 2.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @acromott! For more information, click here!

ahh just returned from my trip to Guanacaste, what a beautiful place filled with wonderful people. nothing better than crackin a cold imperial cerveza on the beach

haha!! Yes!
Chillin on the beach with an Imperial is the way to do it! ;)

Amazing adventure. Are those girls also on steemit? Give my regards to them :)

No they are not. I should get them on here though! :)

Yeah you have to :) so they wont regret in the future

you had a great trip mate ,this is worth sharing with other steemers

looks like alot of fun

It sure was :)

Bonitas fotos

Oh man looks amazing. Ive never been travelling in that way - mainly to cities. Gotta get out in nature more!