in #travel7 years ago (edited)

I can see you...
In a dark place, even in the furthest perspective...
I can look at you..
even though you always
turned my back on me
Y our absence is my day
then I am used to stringing the
curve of your face,
your posture, or make your heart beat ..
in my own imagination ...
because I just got there
Up to the limit of the craziest dream I can reach.


Aku bisa melihatmu...
Di tempat gelap,bahkan di
perspektif paling jau..
Aku bisa memandangmu...
meskipun kau slalu membelakangiku.
Ketidakadaanmu adalah hari-hariku
maka aku terbiasa merangkai
lekuk wajahmu,
postur tubuhmu, ataupun menyusun degup wajahmu...dalam imajinasiku sendiri...
karena aku hanya sampai disitu.
samapi di batas minpi tergila yang

There is a world around you .. there I am beside you, but you still still crave that own sense of it.


Ada dunia di sekelilingmu..
ada aku di sampingmu,
namun knpa kau masih mendamba rasa sendiri itu.