Travel around Laut Tawar Lake
Hello my steemit friends.
On this occasion I will share my travel photo on a vacation to the Laut Tawar Lake.
Laut Tawar lake is one of the tourist destination in aceh. The Laut Tawar lake is a very busy place to visit when it is a holiday. This lake is located in the plateau of gayo in the center of aceh province.
Lake Located on the plateau of this gayo has a cool air temperature.
Outside this lake lies the city takengon. Takengon city is the capital of central Aceh where Laut Tawar lakes are located.
It was late 2017 and my wife and I went there to fill the year-end holidays. We surrounded the lake that started from the city takengon and back again by turning the lake. According to the googlemaps data I get, the distance that is around the lake is 48.4 KM.
When turning the lake we stopped at a tourist hotel called Hotel Renggali.
The view of the lake from around this hotel is very beautiful. On one side of this hotel seen fish cages owned by fishermen who fish. The water of this lake is quite calm suitable for raising fish by using fish cages. in the middle of the lake there is also a fishing boat that is fishing fish.
From hotel renggali we continue the journey around the lake of fresh sea. we stopped again at a rice paddy farm location planted with rice by the local community (LOCATION)
The view of rice fields alongside the lake is very interesting because has its own beauty. This rice field is located between the hills and the lake.
Photo above is a water play rides named with Niminawa waterpark.
Upon returning to Takengon City, I calculated our travel time using a car around a freshwater lake to spend nearly 2 hours.
Such is my steemian friend of all my stories and photos while vacationing around the Laut Tawar Lake.
Harus vote kalau cerita ttg kampung saya, berijin tengku @askari.
Menceritakan keindahan Gayo tidak pernah ada habisnya, Lut Tawar dengan sejuta sejarah dan misterinya, selalu setia menyejukkan hati penduduk dan para traveller yang mengunjunginya.. Terimakasih
Singahmulo @khaimi
Gayo terutama danau laut tawar banyak mempunyai tempat yang sangat indah. Apalagi cuacanya yang sejuk. Pingin berlama-lama liburan disana. thanks @khaimi
Wah.! Indah sekali pemandangannya. Menakjubkan
the scenery in the Laut Tawar lake is beautiful, if ever there it wants to come back again, Thank you @hasanaceh
Cukup indah.
Bantu follow dan upvote saya bg askari
Thank you have visited my blog
Laut tawar memang sangat indah tolong bantu vote saya bang askari
right, this place is beautiful
Another similar article was found here:
Danish Nature - The Beauty of Amager Fælled
askari , you need to take action and edit your own if you it!
Good post
Bantu vote punya saya bg 😁
Thanks @fajarnakal
saya sudah vote ya. :) postingannya bagus. semoga abang mau bermain ke postingan sederhana saya
Ok thank you @ziaulhaqid. Di post terakhir anda , saya menyarankan anda membuat link ke gambar tersebut.
terimakasih bos.
Indah sekli takengon itu ya kak
Pengen kesana,
Mmpir juga di blog saya
try there, the place is very beautiful. Thank you @israh
Oman lagak that2 pemandangan jih, kira2 dari kota Lhokseumawe padum jeum perjalanan
Menyo via jalan KKA kira-kira 3-4 jam trok bg.
takegon bos
Yes, Danau Laut Tawar lies on the edge of takengon town