Exploring Kowloon and Drone Shots! - Hong Kong [Day 4]

in #travel6 years ago


Today I'm meeting my friend who's going to show me around in Kowloon! Kowloon is the northern part of Hong Kong. It's a shopping, arts and entertainment district. I absolutely love this area! My friend showed all the amazing places and all the good food. Today we also went rooftopping! I made a whole separate post about the rooftopping. I felt like it deserved it's own blog post. It's well worth the read!

Rooftopping in Hong Kong! [Day 3]


Me and my friend decided to meet at the Jordan Station in Kowloon. I had to take the bus from my hostel to get to there. But when entering Kowloon, I could totally see the difference! This area is filled with skyscrapers, little stores and shopping malls. It's truly fascinated.

We decided to go and grab lunch. We went to a really amazing place and the food was so good! I had noodles with shrimp. It was truly delicious. But I was struggling with the chopsticks and I had to get a fork.

I didn't take any pictures of the food. Sometimes you just have to enjoy the moment instead of living from behind the camera lens.

Mong Kok

After lunch, my friend showed me Mong Kok. Mong Kok is a recommended spot for anyone who's visiting Kowloon. It's known for the markets and street food! I went to get a Hong Kong waffle, which is a waffle with peanut butter.



Another popular treat is the egg waffles. It's really local. I didn't have one yet, but I am keen to try it out on another day!

We went to the Ladies market. Which is a really intense market. The street is narrow and there are shopping stalls everywhere! It's hard to navigate.


Every stall is owned by a women, hence the name "Ladies Market". I forgot to bring my belt from home, so I took this opportunity to buy one here. The seller was really nice. According to her it is genuine leather, but I have no idea how true that is. I'm not an expert on this.

Here's the shop owner cutting my belt to size! It is a perfect fit. I'm super happy.


We also stop for some bubble tea. I absolutely love bubble tea. But the ones they sell in Belgium aren't near the quality of here. My friend knows a really good one here in Mong Kok. It's in the 'Fa Yueng Street'.


There are also butchers here. They sell the meat on the street and chop it right there on the spot!


This is also the are where we went rooftopping! I totally recommend you to check out that post!

Rooftopping in Hong Kong! [Day 3]

Garden Hill

After our rooftopping adventure we made our way to the garden hill for sunset. The garden hill is a hill in the middle of Kowloon. The hill is higher than a lot of buildings, my guess is that it's about 20 stories high! The climb up the stairs is really daunting. But the view is so worth it!


A lot of people come here to see the sunset. Here you can see the sunset over the city. The view is just gorgeous! There are a lot of photographers coming here to take pictures. I actually don't see any tourists here. This is what this place so special. It's not overrun by tourists. Yes a lot of people come here to take pictures, but there's plenty of room left. It's actually very cozy. We take the time to just sit down, enjoy the view and have a nice talk.


I took this opportunity to take some drone footage. See the video below :)


After the garden hill, it was time to grab some dinner. We stayed in the Sham Shui Po area and found a really good restaurant. I ordered chicken feet. Yes, chicken feet! It's surprisingly delicious. I only had it once before and that was in San Fransisco, but this one is 10 times better. I absolutely enjoyed this meal.


We had plenty of food. But we started graving for dessert. So what better way than going to get some traditional dessert? The restaurant we went too, again, was amazing. I have been blessed with the best food ever. Please don't ask me what all of this is, I can't remember the names. I know that I had mango with ice cream, but it had some white stuff on the bottom. My friend had some type of milk (I think) with egg whites. Both were really delicious.


Buskers on Victoria Harbor

This day has been so fantastic. But there's still one more spot I want to see. It's the Victoria Harbor. This harbor has an amazing view over the skyline of the Hong Kong Island. Everything is lit up.

On this harbor are a lot of buskers. They come here to perform. We found really nice group and stayed there and listen to them sing. We came up with the great idea of grabbing a beer in the 7-11 and sit by the buskers to listen to their songs. This was so amazing! I enjoyed every minute of it.

This is only the second time me and my friend meet. The first time was in Venice. But it felt like we know each other for a long time. This day was just absolutely amazing. The only thing missing was a Pina Colada and a beach. It was a really long day and it was time to head back. We took the ferry to the Hong Kong Island. Here we split up as I went home by bus and she took the MTR.

I never would've guessed how Hong Kong would surprise me like this. This place is truly amazing! I wish it was cheaper so I could stay longer. I am thinking about going to Macau tomorrow. It's 1 hour away by ferry, I still have to do more hiking in Hong Kong too. I don't have enough time for this place. It's so amazing!

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to upvote this post and leave a comment below :)

Continue reading

Rooftopping in Hong Kong! [Day 3]

The Lamma Island & Hong Kong Central - Hong Kong [Day 2]

I'm finally here! - Hong Kong [Day 1]

My final day in Belgium

I'm going to Hong Kong!

How to Influence and Inspire through video - Masterclass Notes

Do Not Bring A Drone To Morocco!


the only thing I know about hong kong is his name. and now thanks to you, now I know more and I could assure you that I already visit that place ...

You tell the story in a way that made me move to that place. Live what you lived. accompanied by the spectacular photographs that you took, you made a pleasant experience with this post.

I feel I owe you thanks. Thanks ... very very good this post

Oh wow! Thank you ☺️ I’m so glad to hear that

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Hey @beforeyoupack, you made me hungry early in the morning when saw the food and dessert in the post. Hong Kong is famous with their food and dessert. Hahaha yaa.. Chinese do like chicken feet, and it very delicious. Have you tried their roasted duck and goose? It very tasty as well. Oh yes, their dim sum as well.. yummy..
One thing about HK is every one seems busy, their walking pase very fast. If you slow a bit, they think you have block their way. If walking in the street, it similar to exercise :p.
Seems like you enjoy your visit in HK very much. The photo with your feet in top of the building it seems scary and no way I can do that because i afraid of height.
You can fly a drone in a city? How you do that because a lot of tall building. But it a nice video. How many days you stay in HK?

Haha, you’re welcome 😉

I haven’t tried the duck or goose yet, do you think I should?

Yes everyone on the street seems busy, but also careless about one another.

I’m enjoying HK way too much. I’m staying till Wednesday, sadly. I want to stay!

I’m actually afraid of heights myself 😧 I was so scared to do that, but I want to overcome that fear.

Yes you can fly a drone in HK, but I was on Garden Hill when I took off. The hill is higher than a lot of the buildings and it’s a good open space.

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Hey, yes please give it a try. Ask your friend recommend you some shop which make good roasted duck or goose. You will fall in love with the tender meat and the crispy skin .. now I hungry..

The citizen there some sort like said "hey get out of my way, you are blocking me". If you kinda of walk a bit slow.. That fast huh? Wednesday leaving..

You at least overcome the heights, i totally won't able do near there and don't talk about sitting on the bench and took Photo.. my leg now shaking when i think of that. :P

So today where you plan to visit?

Hi there!

You got me hooked from your famous shots of rooftopping! I love how you dont have a faint heart to sit at some edge of the building! Hahaha cool idea and a brave on as well...

Yes it is a worth read.

I have only been to Hongkong once and I visited a few of the tourist spots there, I wish I could go back cuz im pretty sure a lot has happened in a span of five years..

I miss all the busy streets of Hongkong and all the walking per se. I did try their egg waffle.. uuhhhmmmm.. they are delicious!

Hahahaha you quite right about the Ladies Market its too small with a big big crowd. Its pretty insane that more people are going there every day.

Thanks for sharing your travel stories with us @beforeyoupack!


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My rooftopping shots are famous?! 😮 I’m actually super scared to do that. But it’s starting to go better now.

Yes, I love Hong Kong too. I wish I could stay longer than a week.

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You seem not scared in your pictures.. but if so you are brave enougb to really take the few moment sitting on the brink..

I could just imagine myself doing it and it already gives me butterflies in my tummy!

I wish I could go back too!

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Wow! I loved your post! there is so much life in this city! Love the colors, the variety of things that can be seen, I guess it is not easy to visit the important things in just one day! I am following you in order to read your other posts.

Thank you! Yes it’s impossible to do everything in just a day. We did a lot and we had a lot of fun too!
Welcome aboard 😊

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This is spectacular 🙌🏼

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Thank you!

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That rooftopping looks like a daredevil thing. Or maybe do as they say that do not look down and you will be okay. Why, nobody mentioned that to me when I was there. I guess my guides were scared because they know I would try it. 😃

The lady who sold you the belt. I am not sure if you noticed but she does not look like a local in HK. 😊

Have you also went up the Victoria's Peak? That also has an amazing view of Hong Kong. Have you crossed over to Macau? It is very near there so you should...

Haha, yea rooftopping is super scary. But it’s helping me with my phobia of heights. I was determined to get that shot and so I did it!

Yes I know, she does not look local at all. It’s still a good belt tho nevertheless.

I didn’t do the peak. I got sidetracked by really culturetripping and meeting locals 😊 I did go to Macau, I have a new post and a travelvideo about Macau

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Wow, congratulations for conquering your fear of heights! You made it!

Oh, you missed the peak. But anyway, it is still good to meet new people in places you visit so that is fine.

Macau is full of casinos. I wonder if you played while you were there...

I love the yellow crane that can be seen in the distance in the first photograph of the publication. I'm happy to travel through publications like yours, I've known Kowloon without spending a coin thanks to your photos and your stories hahaha. How did you climb the long stairs? I imagine they looked endless, but from the pictures I could see that it is a quiet place to do a slow climb.

I actually enjoy hiking and hills. The stairs were tiring but we just pushed through it in one go without stopping. It’s a good workout!

Thank you so much. This is why I do these posts, to show people an experience, something unique that you can’t get by just following a tourist brochure.

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Thank you for taking to this wonderful discovery of Kowloon, I have never heard it before but it is ordinary that documentaries usually include only famous places and such areas people should explore themselves. I like that women market and that is probably the place where women spent a lot of time just looking around even if they do not buy anything. It is an interesting snack egg waffles, strange combination but may be it taste good and people like, it is like never say "never" . Also like that picture that you did sitting up on edge of roof, that might be really exiting, I can imagine that your heart started to pump fast. Usually when I look from some height like balcony down, there is a strange feeling that makes me to think about jumping down so for me that would be a bad place :) Nice but unusual dinner with chicken feet, you are brave tasting them. The video of performance at water side is really good, romantic and beautiful voice :)

Haha, I would not go rooftopping with you! I would scared that you’ll jump down 😂
It was really scary and I’m so glad I did it. That really was far out of my comfort zone. I’m glad that you enjoyed my post. Feel free to stop by for more 😊

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Nice choice @beforeyoupack! Thanks for supporting us.

¡Hola @beforeyoupack! Es una gran publicación con unas lindas fotos, la foto que más me impacto fue esta del post anterior Techo en Hong Kong! [Día 3], cuando la vi me dio un vuelco en el estómago y un escalofrió en el cuerpo al ver lo alto que estabas para tomar esa foto, creo que es mucho riesgo el que se corres, me alegra que hayas disfrutado los músicos callejeros, por lo demás todo está muy lindo. ¡Cuéntame! ¿Qué emoción sentiste con tu voto Curie? Cariños y besos.