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RE: Breakfast in Hotel Rihga Royal, Osaka / Travel Story / Life Photography

in #travel8 years ago

Bontonstory, the Rihga Royal Hotel sounded sort of bad with the sewer smell in the bathroom. That alone would make me not go back, even if everything else was okay. So with the room being small perhaps it was not a good place to stay. If I ever go to Osaka, I think I will try another hotel. The food looked good but did all the trays belong to you or did you get to choose only one tray? I wasn't sure. Well despite the hotel stay, was your trip overall good in Osaka? I hope so! As always, I enjoy your blogs. Thank-you for sharing!


The smell wasn't that bad and it didn't come out to my room, but it still wasn't good. :) I took pictures after choosing foods. :))) Don't be shocked! In traveling, we always have a trouble. Overall, it was fun as you've seen in my posts. @cabbagepatch