The M.C. Escher Museum - The Hague

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Recently I visited the M.C. Escher museum in The Hague.

It’s a beautiful collection of M.C. Escher’s work and stories of his life (1898-1972).
As a child of the 80s and 90s, I grew up with his images everywhere in our pop-culture. It was an M.C. Escher renaissance and seeing his drawings live was like visiting old friends.

The museum is housed in the Lange Voorhout Palace, the former royal residence of Queen Emma.

Throughout the museum there are 15 unbelievable chandeliers by artist, Hans van Bentem, which are just as impressive as the surrounding art.

Escher wasn’t well known by art critics but rather admired by mathematicians and his work gained recognition through them in the 1950s. I wonder what he would think if he knew his works are displayed in the former Queen’s residence now.

It’s a great museum and definitely worth spending an afternoon there.


Congratulations. This post is featured in today's Muxxybot curation post.

unbelievable pictures and is like travelling into space .. I enjoyed the ride now I will look for him more on google .. I recognised him by the impossible stairs drawings I guess that's how mathematicians" adopted" him ... plus your dress matches the walls and frankly the whole content of this incredible artist... also beautiful mathematically paterned dress ..!! plus I always loved the black on white design .. grreat post!! oh almost forgot I came across this post related to music ..I thought of you :)..

Awww thank you. I purposely wore a black and white dress but had no idea how crazy it looked, especially in that box thing where I'm looking up. It's almost the exact pattern. I love dressing up for the occasion. I also blog about vintage fashion but haven't posted about that on here yet. Thanks for noticing! Thanks for the link. I'll look into it. I've collaborated with many online and am still friends with some from the old myspace days. Here are some collaboration examples (you have to scroll down):
Thanks so much!

OMG so glad to see you back Corinna! I came accross this little tool: and thought, maybe it could help you... looks like nobody hates you around here! Actually its just the opposite 🌹

Beautiful post! I'm a huge Escher fan, but didn't know about this fabulous museum. Thank you very much for the "guided tour"!

Thank you <3. You are one of the reasons I'm back. You and @quietdelux had some really great arguments and I thought a lot about it over the weekend. I posted this article explaining my reasons:
My posts dropped from almost $80 to $45 but hey, like @gric said: not bad for the first week. But still it demotivated me that somebody would do that. Anyway, I'm back and will continue for a while and see how it goes. I'm really amazed at the quality of the people on here. So many people went to instagram....which I don't like because it's so superficial like a fashion magazine. I like the exchange of ideas and opinions. Thanks for being such an incredibly nice and supportive person!

I'm really glad we could convince you 🙂 and yes, I think its the interaction here, that sets this site apart. Of course its the little goodies too, and everybody is happy when you get a resteem or an upvote. But I really like the comments very much as well.

Yes. It's the opposite of instagram hahaha

Hahaha that link is so funny! You have the best links. Do have any advice on how to log in from my work computer? The page is not blocked but I can't log in. The wifi works in the hallway, so I write my posts on the computer, save them on facebook or email, go to the hallway and copy and paste them in the app on my phone. I would communicate so much more if I had easier access. Thanks.

You should be able to log on from any computer with your main password (not the posting key). It should work for steemit and for alike...

Thanks. I must be blocked somehow then. It's too bad because I often have some extra minutes waiting on things and would have more time to read articles etc. Now I will continue to post on the app, and answer comments and read bit at breakfast time. At night, after work I don't want to stare at a computer.

Nice post, but put some Space between the pictures; then I will resteem it. thanks.

Thanks for the tip. I used the app and it looked fine but yes on the computer it looks much better now with an additional space. Thanks!

I am so glad I stumbled across this! I had no idea there was an MC Escher museum... thanks for sharing.

I saw this post went flying to my bedroom. I frantically looked through my closet. I used to have two MC Escher t-shirts. BIG SAD FACE. My wife tells me last time she washed them there wasn't enough left to even put on the hanger. I guess after 30 years they did tend to get a ...little thread bare.

I no longer have them, I was going to snap a pic and share them.

Anyway thank you for posting these. I really Love Escher's work.
No one could ever do what he did.
My next favorite was Salvador Dali, That guy was twisted but so talented.

Just my two STEEMS Worth.

Hahaha! Great story. I know what you mean. I wish I still had my old Depeche Mode T-shirt from the Music for the Masses concert in 1989 :(...but hey, the good thing is we've got the internet now and all those shirts are online! I like Dali too. Did you know he ran around town with a pet anteater?

So cool! I used to have an art book of his complete graphical works, but I have lost it somewhere between here and Las Vegas, NV unfortunately. He is one of my favs by far. Thanks for sharing so many cool pictures! This was neat to see.

You're welcome. Hey can you post me a link or two of your favorite stories you wrote please? I can't access this during the day and at night after worked I'm too pooped. I have time at breakfast to answer comments and surf around a bit.

Thank you so much for sharing your visit, this place became place on my list to visit some day.

All I can say is WOW! He definately had a creative genius about him.

Yes, he was amazing.

Thanks for sharing. Good post. :) I'm following. Please follow me...