Volcanic Dreams: Survival

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


The friendly lady who accommodated me told me that someone in the village could take me to the crater the next day, she was talking about the native community living close to the volcano. Don't worry, they know very well how to get there.

The Birth

For sure there are easier ways to get to the crater lake and some tourists who do not want to travel off the beaten track and do not want to work hard too much can also get there. Take the 4x4, bring a camera, have some fellow tourists' chit-chat and go home. For some reason, I don't seem to choose the easier things in life, or perhaps, life does not take me to easier things. I guess I am made to be tough. At least, this was what I thought.

Volcanoes fascinate me more of all nature, the allure and its power to obliterate us. My search for some spiritual meaning and experience lead me to this what I call, beauty in madness.

I had never seen the most beautiful morning in my life as my host family took me in their boat to the village. The freshness of foggy morning, a flock of blackbirds above the calm lake that dotted the horizon and a backdrop of unexplored mountains. There was nothing but silent commune. It was zen.

There used to be a huge thriving community here until the unforgiving force of nature wiped almost all which was totally devastating. Knowing the kind of people in the cities all over the world, it would just make sense to return the land the original settlers own so they can restart their lives away from this fucked-up civilization.

The people in the community changed big time, with all these clothes and things introduced by the modern society. I was not coming here with this typical 'hero complex' you all see around these days, I was here trying to be just like everyone else. I don't really see the point of glorifying the differences because, for all I know, there are none. Or perhaps there is, they have it better.

It sucks that I had nothing to offer but money in exchange for the guiding service. It seems that the major societal corruption has reached the untainted environment these days. Nevertheless, I saw what I called the real wealth amongst the people here - abundance, genuine smiles and simple life. I saw someone happily watching a movie on this tiny portable DVD player. I think this is how it is to be happy around here - nature, simple technology, a community and nothing more.

My heroes here were taking me to Mordor, I guess I was just consumed by my own imagination brought by excitement. There is this unique landscape I have never seen before - a vast desert of white and lush mountains. They were walking with a shotgun with them which made me worried about what might be in there that we might need to protect ourselves. Anyway, I entrusted my life to these men.

I walked under the scorching heat of the sun for hours that seemed to be neverending. We crossed some dried lakes along the way. Before we climbed a hill, someone would cut the tall grasses to create a trekking path for the rest of us. You see what I had just gone through, this was not some sort of trekking with improved paths to avoid getting lost. This place is unknown, away from the rest of the world. I was lucky enough that some real strong arms cut those spiky grasses to make way for me.

Let me say that this is such an unforgiving environment for a first-time trekker, oh you don't know, you just don't know how very difficult yet very adventurous this was for me. There were some organized planning and decision-making right there and then by the experts, like how to propel me up a mountain. At some point, there was nothing for me to hold on to, one little move and I would just fall back to the white desert. Back to square one, and perhaps, this whole thing could be over. There were strong hands that served as rocks, someone above would reach for me and someone below would make sure I would not fall, while there was someone continuously making a path that would be easier for us. Now I understood why I was with three men. From the desert, lakes, mountains into a cave, I just didn't realize what a serious adventure this was all for me.

The Reality

After 6 hours and after telling me that we still had a long way to go, it hit me. This would not take one day and I realized my own stupidity - I didn't have enough food with me. We had been only eating some cakes I had brought which I thought would last me 2-3 hours and come back. I had to shamelessly confess that I was not prepared, like no food. Zero.

They thought for a bored, random traveler, that I would at least know how to take care of myself. Well, apparently not. There had been some misunderstanding at the beginning that my excitement made me say let's go now!

I was thinking they were just hiding their utter disbelief and shock with smiles. I had to think that I might become a real burden here soon.

Water, water!

Ohhhhh what a joy, we ran to the fresh stream and drank a lot of water. I was so thirsty and I quickly filled my water bottle that would last me for a couple of hours more. If they can drink this water, then I can surely drink whatever nature has to provide to let me survive this day.

You know, you can let us know when you are tired, someone told me.

I finally retired to a rock to rest after 8 hours, this was no joke. I was not able to forgive myself that time of how ignorant I was of nature, how for the first time in my life - I had completely underestimated its power. I would surely never do this again.

Do you know how it is to feel hungry? You know H-U-N-G-E-R.

No, no, no, not that type when you are lazy to go out and buy food, or your mother didn't cook for you, or your boyfriend didn't bring you some take-out or your wife didn't prepare some dinner for you, or you're on a diet or some spiritual fasting some kind of thing.

I'm talking about feeling hungry uhmmm... because there is no fooooooooooooooooood?

All day I dream about food.

Hunger is when you dream of good food.
Hunger is when you think all would be good.
Hunger is when your stomach is growling in pain.
Hunger is when it finally reaches your brain.

Fried chicken, beef stroganoff, meaty pizza, kebabs, pasta, beef stew, burrito, lasagna, dumplings, fettuccine carbonara, chicken barbeque, nasi goreng, breaded pork chop, T-bone steak medium rare, pad thai, cheeseburger, chicken curry, tempura, creme brulee, shawarma, teriyaki, cordon bleu, stir-fry noodles, buttered shrimps, chicken tikka masala, tiramisu, schnitzel, tom yum, onion rings....

Wild boar.

Wait, what?

Let's go now and hunt for a wild boar, one of them assured me.

Hmmm, wild boar, now what is that? I don't care. I looked around and prayed for a wild boar to come as we continued walking across the hot desert.

Then suddenly, I saw one of them running really fast towards the mountain.

Wild boar, wild boar, wild boar, wild boar, wild boar, wild boar, wild boar, please come wild boar, wild boar, wild boar, wild boar, please come wild boar...

because I'm so fuckin hungry!!!!!

They could feel my hunger by the end of the day as I saw them hunting for food with a sense of urgency. Are you guys very hungry now? It was like some naive person asking them.

Don’t worry about us, we are used to this.

It hit me how weak people are back at the civilization. Thanks, we now have dental chairs, electricity, paved roads, pharmacies, animal factories, supermarkets, water system... without these, we are done, ha!

We might not have a wild boar but I was very happy to see someone brought a wild chicken! You just don’t know how happy I was at that moment, we were all smiling and rejoicing, hurray we have dinner!

It was not like I was dying but it kind of felt like that moment. I was filled with hope and joy. There is something to be learned from the hunter-gatherers - present-focused.

I learned that happiness is a wild chicken.

I was not allowed to help, especially knowing that I might do more harm than good. One was skinning the chicken, the others were gathering some woods for the fire. We couldn’t reach the crater, hell not at this point. Forget about the volcano for a moment, this was about surviving. We decided to camp at the foot of the volcano, close to the river. Strategic place. Oh yes, I had my tent. I guess I was not that unprepared at all.

The Beauty

Sometimes I couldn’t grasp the reality as I marveled at this alien beauty around me. I couldn't remember if I took some drugs that might explain all these vivid colors. I was in Mars. At dusk, everything around me turned red like some consolation for the hardships I faced that day. It was all too real for me to believe.

Everything here, everything now, everything would never be forgotten. Someday I would die and everything would have already been written.

The fiery sunset hid behind those mysterious peaks, this moment was only for the few lucky ones. I am here living, this eternal now, like really living, no shortcuts, no path untaken - excitement, hunger, discomfort, fear and joy. I'm sorry but you don't know life if you haven't experienced all of this here, now.

Don’t cowardly move away from life and waste years in your comfort, in your fake education, in your jobs, in front of your computer, in your new career, in your new house, in your relationship, in your fear of foreign countries, in your petty depression problems, in your controlling society, in your fear of other people, in your fear of new experiences, in your social benefits... tick tock tick tock. In all these predictable events of your life. Now enjoy it while it lasts.

The real beauty of the moment for those who deserve, for those who are unafraid of pain, of suffering, of dying, of living now.


What an amazing journey full of lessons.

Looking forward to read about the second day of this journey .

I am so happy you noticed there's a sequel! It's too long to write it all in one post. 😊


Without basic necessities, people can fall apart pretty quickly eh!

I'll walk all day with a backpack full of snacks and liquid, otherwise I'm going home... or the nearest petrol station 😋

Super writings!

Yeah, lessons learned!

Wow fantastic journey ! Reminds me when I hiked to the top of a volcano here in New Zealand in the Tongariro National Park. It is one of the most active in the world and when I was on the top, I felt the ground moving and cracking so we ran to get back to our camp lol. Fortunately it was nothing, just to scared us =D

I did the Tongariro crossing in Dec '16. It's amazing how unprepared most people are. But, unless conditions turn to crap, then any average human can make that walk on a few sips of water and much willpower. Still, my party of two ended up giving about more than a third of our water and some emergency supplies to others. The rumbles are a fun part of the experience.

any average human can make that walk on a few sips of water and much willpower.

I can imagine the rumbles!

I took plenty of food to avoid the rumbles. The grumbles and the stumbles are just part of the experience. Though add in the mumbles and those are the classic signs of hypothermia: The stumbles, the grumbles and the mumbles.

Haha glad you know about it !
Did you climb up the Mt Ngauruhoe ? =D

Did you try Ngaruhoe or the Tongariro summit?
I did not. I am much too fat and unfit to attempt it. Besides which, the tops were covered in cloud the day I went so extremely risky. Ngaruhoe is a scree slope so the risk of dislodged rocks coming down through whiteout cloud cover and the risk of coming down the wrong side of Ngaruhoe and getting lost are very real. If I lost nearly half my body weight then I might attempt Ngaruhoe on a fine day with a helmet.
Mind you, on the shuttle service outwards I a met a guy who did both Ngaruhoe and Tongariro summits that day. That guy had done nine New Zealand peaks in 21 days so he was fit, knew what he was doing and able to judge the risks for himself very well.

I understand mate
I did the Ngaruhoe yes and it was very dangerous even on a clear day.
My girlfriend was really scared and we couldn't stand to go up, we had to move on our hands and feets.
The dislodged rocks coming down was terrible, I nearly got one in the face. But most of the time, the people on the top of you are yelling "ROCKS" if one start to roll over. The way down was scary too because very steep. Fortunately I followed the advice from a guy and I took the good side. I was sliding on the rocks like if I was skiing. It took me 25 minutes to go down, But 2h30 to go up lol
I will not do it again but it was a crazy experience

The one =D
A guy brought a gold ring and played the lord of the ring song when we were on the top ! So funny haha =D

That apparently happens quite often. The day I went you could see many disappointed LOTR fans when they were told that Ngaruhoe was "strongly not recommended" since the top was whiteout and there was a storm due early evening.
You could also see a lot of disappointed people at the "STOP!" sign just before the Devil's Staircase. You mean a mountain requires gear, fitness and decent weather? No... Is there a manager I can speak to?
But, better some dissappointed people than some dead ones.

Nature has some way to remind us sometimes.

Exactly =). Mother Nature is the God of God =)

True and Mother Nature is my God.

So we have the same =). Glad to cross your way

Real Hiking is a serious endeavor. Food is typically scarce, and water is just as scarce unless you know where to find it.

I bet you'll never make that mistake again? :) Hard lessons learned are frequently the ones that stick with us the longest! Glad you had good people around you to help out 👍

This was the first time I was unprepared, and I did it again and again for some reason lol. Not about food but other basic things. Upcoming stories.

I always seem to forget to carry enough water on hikes.

Yeah. Good thing in this case, nature has some natural spring and fresh water for us.

It amazes me to this day how many people couldn't survive without shops.

If you don't know how to kill things -trap rabbits, fish. ie - find food - without anyone's help but your own - You are a traitor to your own body.

It also amazes me how people like to waste things these days. The hunter-gatherers don't store food and just live for the day - they just have complete trust in nature that it will provide. Well not anymore now, I guess. We are destroying it.

I had to laugh when you mentioned the guides smiling... I have smiled that smile =D

During Elk season (four to seven days), I lose ~20 pounds chasing them up mountains. And then back down, and then back up.. They really try to not die! Then, when you get one, the real work begins, as you have to carry ~500 kilos of meat back to camp.

For traveling food, I found stuffing my pockets with salty nuts, chocolate covered raisins, and other sweet, sweet, dried fruit, kept me fueled up and I didn't have to pack a bunch of stuff for preparing meals. The lighter the better.

Anyway, I smile the smile of those that know how rough country can be, and how awful it is to be out in it and suddenly realize you made a big mistake.


Yeah, I will bring that food you have in your pocket next time.

It is so unforgettable that I could still feel my hunger and my painful feet as I write.

Hunger is the tastiest seasoning!

It is so tasty I can still remember it.

YES!!!!!! You survived... and You learned a good lesson. We and our first World Problems. City People right! LOL Such an interesting story. Loved it. And it was so worth it for sure. :D Will Resteem this one for sure :D

You're welcome. You know I am here to support You :D

great.it looks like the people of beautiful places have beautiful hearts too.

What country is this in??
Beautiful snap you got there!

Yeah and hunger, that is something else. Ive experienced it last month for the first time giving my red cross food away to the elderly here every time..
But in the end I needed some myself because you really functioning after some.days!

Anyway following you, keep it up, I like your writing style :)

Thanks for dropping by!