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RE: 296 Earthquakes at YELLOWSTONE National Park from June 12 - 19th. SUPER VOLCANO is coming.

in #travel8 years ago

Yeah, but where to move to is the hard part. I live in the Denver area. If that thing goes off we would be toast. I've found that just about every inch of the planet has some potential negative thing that can happen. Denver is pretty safe from everything BUT that super volcano.

Maybe we should legalize FRACKING up there... :P I am just kidding of course.


maybe west of the rockies? fracking? not a bad idea.

I was thinking of fracking in terms of releasing pressure. Stuff like this could be a lot more important to try to manage than climate change IMO.

As to west of the rockies. I lived there most of my life. As far as I know if that Super Volcano goes off most of those places are toast too... plus we can expect and instant ice age, and potentially worse things.

That is insane. I can't imagine a volcano eruption that big. I guess it would devastate about 1/3 of the U.S.?

Something like that.