
of course requires a lot of expense to travel always @exploretraveler

So that really depends on how you travel. For example in Alaska we can walk on the ferry and live on deck for very little in a tent. Then you can backpack around islands or glaciers in the summer. Camping can be free or very low cost.

but it looks very solid if it makes a bonfire when we camping

Yes if bear come just give away food 🥘

hehe maybe we will eat by bear

This Is So funny because she made bear very angery

bears damage her kayak hehe

This women is very annoying but hey real life has consequences.

One very upset bear. Pepper spray only made it worse. Here is the rest of the story. The women was trapped on a small remote island with no boat by herself. She had to signal a fishing boat and swim out to in with risk of life. She almost got hyperthermia.

Long hike home @exploretraveler poor bear, yelling like that I am surprised he stayed around.

On the other hand there must have been something in the kayak that he smelled of food.

Looking for funny bear video for you now.