
Was just thinking......I certainly show you how to do your bucketlist on a budget. Thanks for the up-vote by the way. Have a great evening!

no man keep your reports coming.

I ll try to be funny from time to time.

I still enjoying my time in asia but I wll follow your footsteps in the future.

Will certainly do so. I have 99 followers! Maybe tomorrow I'll hit my first 100. It's great encouragement, as well as comments like yours. I really put a lot of time and thought, as well as on ground research into each report. So glad that you enjoy them.

Regarding Asia. Take your sweet time. After 4 years of not being in Asia, I bought a ticket to Thailand for August 8th. My cousin asked me the other day, you must be so excited to be in Mexico right? I told her I'm more excited about going back to Thailand in a month! Enjoy!

you deserve everyone of them and many more.

I have to leave thailand on Juy 31 and I am not sure yet if I extend or go to bali.

I live in kind of a bubble here atm. A street full of muay thai camps, gyms and healthy resteraunts but I am enjoying it so much. Not sure if I am gonna leave. Well... future Tobis problem

Where in Thailand are you? I've been to Bali.....I'd take Thailand over Bali any day. If your in the Islands, switch up and go to Chang Mai or hop to another Island, or try Krabi town, you can even get city crazy a do an exciting week in Bangkok, or another destination, Cambodia and Loas are adventures and dirt cheap.

Bali is nice, with an interesting and lovely hindu culture. I shouldn't turn you off from that. But it's really touristy. Thailand is like Thai friendly touristy. Bali is like in your face touristy. Give me your money touristy. But it has it's perks, especially if money is not an issue and you want to go surfing and do touristy stuff. Food is definitely pay more get less as well.

I am in phuket chalong. So pretty touristy also but as I mentinoed the street is very fitness focused.

When I go to bali I already picked a MMA Camp I want to stay.

I enjoy training too much atm to miss out.

Right I remember you're way into the MMA stuff. I stayed a month in Phuket like 7 years ago. With the big Kick Boxing stadium, I know exactly where you're at. Very exciting place.

You know what is best for you! If we cross paths I better stay on your good side. I'm sure you could totally kick my ass! lol Best of luck, Enjoy!

Ha ha ha! For a moment I thought you were serious. Regarding solicitation type stuff lol..... Everyone needs a good bucket list. Glad I can make it longer!