Back after a break.....steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,


Wow! I've been away again for about a month and have been trying to post on Steemit, but nothing of worth or quality was coming out (not that I think myself of a quality poster), so I've had this kind of block on my creativity. Maybe it's something to do with Block-chain? :). The 'Wow!' relates to what has happened with Cryptocurrencies, namely Steem and Steemit. When I was last on here, Steem were around 85c. each and now just hit $3. That has to be good news all round, so wahey to us all, I guess :).

Well, I do want to elucidate on why I haven't been around much, but feel it would be better expressed elsewhere and at a different time. I'm hoping that those people I have been following have been doing well on here and I'm also hoping that some issues are on their way to being dealt with. Frankly, though, it's really nice to be back here, typing, so I apologise in advance if this post is not too fantastic, but I just wanted to touch ground, so to speak - open the door again, if you will.

I've got quite a few posts to read, which is good news and a heck of a lot of upvoting to catch up on. In my absence, I could have had the thought of using a bot to upvote folks for me, but I am not a big fan of bots, although that one is good for such circumstances. Good idea if you go away and don't have access, maybe? So, what have I been doing?

Besides researching the usual scandalous conspiracies and the likes, I have been aiming at moving to Spain in 2018. Before doing that, I plan on visiting there every month, to try to liase and familiarise myself with things, so that I can hopefully set myself up with accommodation and work. I visited in November, which I did a post about and visited again in December, whoch was lovely again. Cameras don't capture the beauty of a scene, sometimes, but they get close enough to give an impression of what it was like to be there, looking at it. I didn't take many photos this visit at all, but the skylines were really beautiful.

These were taken on my walk back to the apartment on my last evening there:



Of course, I had to go for a paddle there, but wasn't easy, as the jellyfish had decided to congregate at my favourite paddling spot:



As I said, I just wanted to touch base with Steemit, to encourage myself to post more and I don't have much more to share. I tried to take some videos of the jellyfish, but they haven't come out too well. I have been making a couple of balloon models, which I'll be posting about soon, so hopefully I can keep the flow going, and I know I'm in the right place for it to happen :).

Thank you for reading this and again, I apologise for the short, not very ace post, but I can only go up from here, eh? All the very best to you.

All of my posts are 100% original content (or picture linked/sourced directly, if used). 100% of all curator rewards will go to the curators of this post, because I don't upvote my own work and all rewards are powered up 100% for Steem Power. I'm here for the long haul, to learn, share and grow with you. Thank you.


How are you doing? I voted and then saw it was 12 days old. Doh, Anyway I wanted to give you a heads up that the next @spl team tourney starts next Sunday, The 7th I believe. Are you able to play or busy traveling?
With the price of SBD around $10 now the tables can really pay.
I woke up to $6 steem this morning and was very happy as I need to sell some coin to live tomorrow. Off to the Big City for the day.
The last time I went to the dealer his waiting room was packed with people. Crypto is booming here, and his buy and sell price had a $1K spread!
Drop me line when you get this, hope to see you at the tables :-)
Happy New Year

Hi Cody. To be honest, I haven't been on Steemit hardly at all because I have had a kind of writer's block, but was related to the way the site seemed to be going and wanted to step away from it, to try to get a bigger picture of what is happening. I haven't played poker for a while, due to falling out of favour with the way the site appeared to be heading. I guess I ought to do something related to Steemit and will be trying to post again and will attempt to join in n the tables with you and 'Pot' at least.

Yes, Steem has boomed as did all the cryptos, it seems and it's just bounced back up again. I am not sure if I want to withdraw any money, as I'm hoping it grows, but would be nice to see some real cash one day :). I guess I shoud get writing again and make some baloons, etc. and get settled for a game of poker some evening soon.

Good luck at the tables in the meantime and I'll hopefully catch you there, soon. All the best, Cody and I hope the New Year brings you much positivity :).

Sometimes the only "worth" that you'll get out of something is just that you wanted to say it. That you wanted to get it out there. As long as its only purpose wasn't to be mean, be spiteful, or it wasn't intentionally designed to hurt anyone, who cares? If you want to say it, say it. 😁

It's great to see you posting again! I hope that you had a great time while in Spain (your photos are lovely and I like the close up of the jellyfish)! Have you had success in making some new friends and getting yourself setup for living there? You've been so nice to me so I really want for you to be somewhere where you're happy!

Merry Christmas to the funny and creative you, your awesomely artistic daughter, and your loved ones @gwb235! I wish for great times and lots of laughs for all of you!

Hi @brisby.

I did intend to reply to your comment much earlier, but after a day of shopping with the daughter, I came home, had a brew and a snack, and started coughing. After coughing, I felt like death. core temperature was low and headache came on. I'm still suffering the effects of not eating for 6 days and feel somewhat weak, but going to attempt the shops today, as I need things, but not easy with the roaring shites. Was all to do with catching a train full of people, many who shouldn't be out, sharing their germs. So, I apologise for my late reply, which is becoming more common, but it wasn't for the same reasons :).

I haven't replied to your other reply, yet, but I need to take a packed lunch to go on the journey to find it ha, ha. I've tried to make a few more balloon models, but only managed a flamingo and a unicorn hat, but will be trying to do more soon, so I can do another balloon post. I'm back in Spain on 9th Jan, so will be happy to get away again. I haven't managed to make any solid contacts, as yet, but I've got reasonably good vibes about it, so hopefully, I'll be able to get some foundations laid. Oh, telling a little lie, I do have a contact to get decent cheap accommodation there, so that's a start :).

I hope you have all had a good Christmas and that the New Year brings more specialness to the home for you all. I apologise for my poor correspondence. I am going to try to address it when I feel like a newly upholstered sofa - fully recovered :).

One MTG player says to another, "I'm gutted".
His friend replies, "Why, what's up, mate?"
"I got a Black Lotus for Christmas".
"WOW!! Nice one...... hang on, how can that possibly make you feel gutted?"
"Because my wife told me before Christmas day what she'd bought me".
"??? But it still doesn't make sense why you'd be gutted by that???"
"Because when it came round to Christams day, I was so excited and just wanted to hold it".
"....... and?"
"My wife kissed me, handed me a bunch of keys and said, "your Lotus is in the garage, dear"".

Thanks for the replies, they always add to my day in a positive way. Hoping your celebrations are all happy, with the odd bit of wrestling thrown in :).

Thank you for the Christmas wishes and take care.

Okay, I'm a bit pissed right now because I am damn sure that I responded to this! I can't remember everything I wrote last time... (let's just call it impressively witty 😉).

Well by this point I hope that you're feeling completely better! You're probably still in Spain right now, enjoying sunshine and the beach and their lovely language... We've had a nice little mountain of snow dumped on us. The color where I live this time of year ranges from white, dirty white, dirty white with cigarette butts and a sprinkle of garbage, and gray. I think the sun is that warm thing in the's been a while so my memory is fading!

You aren't kidding about the boxed lunch (also need a canary) to find the last comment in our stream! Let's leave that one down in the deep to wallow in the darkness. We're going to need a better way to communicate or start investing in hardhats with lights on them!! 😁

I hope that you had a great Christmas and that your New Year kicks some ass! The thought of you being able to be happy in Spain makes me smile!

As for the MTG joke...Bwahahahahaha!!!! 😂 😂 😂 Love it!!

Enjoy the sun and have a blast @gwb235!

Jesus, it's been 27 days since I was on here at least. Yes, longer. I do apologise and I feel it's odd that when I stopped posting Steem went up in value like mad, but I just feel that I have nothing to say or add to Steemit, which is a difficult thing to deal with, but I'll get there. I have started so many posts and deleted them, but enough of that dwelling and onwards into a more creative space, hopefully.

In buxton right now and the snow is falling and coincidentally, we both have very similar colour schemes on our landscapes. My flat is so cold, as it's in a building that's over 200 years old. Has mad cracks everywhere and the staircases sink into the centre, but somehow it stays standing. But, it's a roof over my head and it could be a lot worse. It's such a nice building, but has fallen into neglect since the (ironically) Property Management company got hold of it.

I should be going to Spain again as soon as I get a call and can book the flights. I can't wait to get out there again. So nice to be able to just relax and not think about the crappiness here. Christmas wasn't too ace, because went shopping with the daughter a day before Christmas Eve and caught some weird bug and was rough for over a week, but I looked after myself and there's folk who have been bad for weeks. It annoyed me, because I sort of just try to stay in and away from people as much as possible in winter. In fact, if people call me, I ask them if they have a cold, before they come round :). A bit extreme, but I'd rather people think I'm strange than know I'm ill.

I'm not a Christmas person, to be honest, but appreciate the family part of it.

I hope you've been well and the Christmas period was a happy and pleasant one. I have only just come on here, so will check out your posts :).

Take care and have fun @brisby :).

Hi gwb235! How are things? I hope that you've finally kicked whatever bug that you caught! Hopefully this finds you back in Spain and enjoying yourself! Life has been crazy these last two months (everything and it's brother sort of hit at once and now I'm working a bit extra and playing catch up with my bills so my Steemit account hasn't been getting the attention to it that it should). Oh well, shit happens and all that, right? (Honestly, I'm lucky to find something since there are so many that would like to be able to have one job.)
You have your own ideas and standards as to what you want to bring to Steemit but may I tell you my point of view? I enjoyed seeing your balloon sculptures and the stories that you'd tell using them. Being able to give people a laugh and see something as whimsical as your sculptures was something positive that you brought here. When you wanted to talk about more serious things, your views on politics and bots and what not, you brought up points that were important to you. There are many here with so many different views and it's good to have a mix, since even if we don't all agree it's good to see things from different sides. When you have time to come back, you could carry on with those posts or choose to do something different. We all are changing constantly so why not have fun and try something new if you want to (like you are with your planned move to Spain and having a life that will make you happier).
As to your flat, it isn't good at all that it's so cold! Property managers are supposed to improve things, not let things fall further into disrepair. (Yeah, I realize that fixing things costs plenty of moola but still...)
Have some fun yourself and take care @gwb235! I do miss chatting with you and hope to be able to again soon. :)

Wow...these pics are very nice..good job man!
I will definitly follow u now haha :D
Keep it up!

Thank you, @dreamon77, that's kind words and very much appreciated. We all have good and bad moments, regarding creativity, for one, and I fel that Steemit is conducive to a positive resolve, regarding such matters and issues. It's nice to get encouragement from each other, without an agenda being the undercurrent, by which I mean that on a general level, people are honest, sincere and transparent, to a degree, but of course, there are always the nefarious ones that slip through the net, who tend to spoil matters.

Thanks for the encouraging comment, Dejan and all the best :).