Living a Digital Nomad Lifestyle is Easier Than You Think

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Thinking about living and working in paradise? It's not that difficult, and I'll tell you why. Since the cost of living in many tropical countries is so low, you can actually live and eat super well without paying a premium. Know so many friends living back in the US who are basically stuck because they have tied themselves down with home loans and car loans.


The standard thinking is go to school, go into debt with a student loan, get a job, get a car to drive to that job so you can make some money to make a down payment on a house and get tied down to one location and stuck in an endless routine. Sure that sounds like heaven to some people, but for people like myself, I can't do it that way.
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I first started out teaching English online, you can do a course online and get certified for teaching even without a college degree. That job gave me the freedom to step away from the routine I was stuck in, but it didn't happen all at once. I think the key is to not quit your day all of the sudden, it has to be strategic. You need to start planning your moves. So my first recommendation would be to start selling everything that ties down. If you have a car loan or a home loan, start looking into ways to sell out of those situations.

Use Ebay or some other platform to sell your things you don't need. Start downsizing, in small steps, and you will see there are ways out of your current situation if you don't like where you are. In the meantime start investigating where you would dream of living. For me it was always Bali because I saw amazing photos and I was always fascinated with the Balinese-hindu culture, which is actually the minority religion in Indonesia since the rest of the country is Muslim. Look into South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia...the list goes on. All of these countries have extremely low cost of living so you can get the most bang for your buck. I was making 12$dollars an hour teaching English and that translated into between 1,000-1200 a month teaching only 4 hours a day. So I was teaching English classes, two in the morning and two in the afternoon and the rest of my day I could go explore the island, go to the beach, learn to surf go out to lunch, go explore or just hang out around the house and relax.

I am noticing with myself and the younger generations, is that we value freedom over money, we value efficiency and this way of living is like maximizing efficiency. Working only a couple hours a day and spending the rest of the day doing what you feel like doing, it's your time. And It doesn't take a lot to get to that point, you have to be a little creative but there are plenty of ways. So for example, here is a video of a villa in Bali we were renting, and it was only 300 dollars a month. With a pool and only 5 minutes from the beach, It was pretty awesome.



Technicalities, so the only real complication about living a digital nomad lifestyle is settling long term in one place, but it's not really a problem if you LOVE to travel. Being on a plane every 3 months, is fun! It's exciting! Eventually when you figure out your favorite destination, you will find a way to stay there, and believe me, where there's a will there's a way. You might find someone from that country and fall in love, get married and get a resident visa or you might get a part time job working or volunteering and that will give you a visa and in the case of the volunteering, maybe a place to live. So my point here is that there are so many options and so many ways to live the digital nomad lifestyle, there are many tools, for example couch surfing will help you get connected with locals and meet other travelers and it won't cost a penny.

SAVE_20180324_132131.jpego you can get some guidance in these volatile markets.

It all starts with the will to change your current situation if you're unhappy with the lifestyle you are living now. If you want to travel, you have to let go of the things that are tying you down and start enjoying the freedom to roam. It's in our human nature to want to explore, so why not let it out? Express yourself, take photos, meet locals, make friends, fall in love, live the life you always dreamed of, and it won't cost you any more money than you're already spending to live in places like the US or Europe, I guarantee it. And hey if it doesn't work out, you can always go back, nothing in life is permanent.


Ever since I got into cryptocurrency last year and started making passive income, I've been able to quit my job and live off the gains from those investments. I learned the techniques for trading, and I'm putting all that knowledge in an easy to understand way on social media; youtube, instagram, here on steemit so you can learn for youself. Plus I'll be giving updates with my own market analysis s

Cheers steemians!

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