It will be ok, just keep going!

in #travel7 years ago

It’s okay.

It’s okay if you’re three months into your business and aren’t making 5 figures.

It’s okay if you don’t have any clients at the moment.

It’s okay if you’re feeling deflated and overwhelmed.

It’s okay if you’ve broken down and cried because it’s not going to plan.

It’s okay.

Do you know why?

Because, with persistence you will get to those 5 figure months, you will get those clients and you will get that dream business you've been wishing for, it’s possible!

With consistency in posting and communicating your message correctly you will reach out to someone. Enjoy these silent moments when you can get your biz in order.

By reaching out to others, and asking for help you won’t feel overwhelmed.

I know it’s hard sometimes when you see others reaching success so quickly! It’s gets to me too, but you can’t compare. Everyone’s journeys different. And it’s time you start celebrating the wins no matter how little because they matter.

Always remember, whether it's a little win or big win. They all matter!



Yeah I have noticed that many times in the past, I tend to get discouraged from actually continuing with building my business because I see many people younger than me achieving success a lot quicker than me. Then I tend to compare myself with that younger guy who is successful while I feel my work is a failure and ask what was wrong with me. It sucks cause no one can really directly help you on this. One has to help themselves first before helping others to reach that goal. This post really touched me in a way because I have been through this a lot in the past, used to let criticism and comparing myself to others discourage me from finishing projects. But not anymore, no matter how long it takes, I will continue what I will do so I can eventually get to the point I want in life. :)

This was definitely one of my weaknesses as well. I was always comparing myself to everyone around me, wondering how they got there so much quicker than me. We just need to remember everyone’s journey is different and you need to become a new you to get to the next level in your life.