
I'm going to try and make it for the meditation on the 4th after the LNC in New Orleans.

I made it by hook and by crook and hung my hammock to camp for the night on the 3rd. Very cool experience, everyone was so helpful. I used your GPS coordinates to find it! Thank you Kenny, I participated in the meditation in the morning, but packed it out before noon as I was ready to begin heading home. I am definitely down for another gathering in the future and would like to get the perspective from volunteering in a kitchen.

Your work & sharing this is so WONDERFUL @kennyskitchen! Please, remind us of your Rainbow name? I am Stag or on here @wellnesshero & will begin my journey home to GA from NY w/ my lil man (Scorpio), exciting times to be welcomed home. I know the adventure and journey for this pilgrimage is always a challenge due to the FEAR of the Feds!

How you have shared this is powerful, especially with taking it to anachopolco...Happy NEW Follower, upvoter & resteemer! Thanks for sharing this powerful LIGHT for others to get HOME this year in the US.

The ANARCHY side is what attracted me to my first gathering, now only 9 short trips around our star ago in PA. Happy to see you spreading this PRACTICE of what the family of living light (all of us, hahaha) gathers for every 4th of July to cultivate the anchoring of peace on this plane of existence!
Would love to get a heart hug from you brother, safe travels & LOVING YOU!!!

Highly rEsteemed!

A better world.png

Wow, sounds amazing. Would love to attend sometime in the next few years. Enjoy!! :)

I truly cannot recommend it highly enough!

Lovin you brother❤. Be safe and feel the vibes✌👍. I really enjoyed Rainbow last year. Instant soup was like a safe haven for my greenhorn self. Never witnessed humans in a more uplifting, true, raw, loving, and family-like way. I am glad I did lots of research and was still incredibly surpirised by the atmosphere. It was definietly an enlightening event to know we as a human family can function mindfully without need for authority and control. P.s. Trade circle is permanently closed! :) ha ha ha!

Great to find my colourful brothers here

Lovin you! Thanks for being you and for letting me be me. I went to the 2012 national in TN and saw the most beautiful, awe-some lightning storm ever. Now every time i hear "chimes of freedom" it takes me back.

seems like fun

Interesting. Psy attended many festivals over the years.. And it was difficult to find the truth within.. Psy mostly came across drug fiends with good intentions.. but more or less, people trying to get so fucked up over the weekend, people who suck away from the 9-5 to let loose.. Of course there were the few special types. Psy stepped away from the scene from many year but you've sparked my interested again. You make Rainbow seem more mature.

Well, Rainbow is very much NOT a festival. There aren't stages, there's no sound systems, no vendors, no "famous" people, etc. Personally I only go to festivals that are truly intentional & prayer-based, alcohol free, and focused on healing, and even those I'm limiting more and more. Rainbow, however, will be a constant in my life :-)

Psy mostly came across drug fiends with good intentions.. but more or less, people trying to get so fucked up over the weekend, people who suck away from the 9-5 to let loose.

Those folks are certainly there too, as it is the whole spectrum of the Rainbow.

rainbow, however, will be a constant in my life :-) > psy mostly came across drug fiends with good intentions..

That sounds soo good! The Anarchapulco vibe was so positive. That is the energy Eye'm looking for. Wish Psy could make it to Rainbow. maybe next year.

May the Universe always provide a home to all those who wish to become family.