RE: ADSactly Personal - Confessions From the Airport
It's fascinating - the way you remember so vividly experiences that you had as a child and manage to express them in a way the reader doesn't feel he is bored by a little child bubbling but actually is interested in the story yet feeling this is a story told by a child!
This phenomenon of "trust us - we know what we do and we took care of everything" attitude is pretty common in big companies, the workers are a little part of the system and they find it hard to care enough - they may transfer the message to the next person on the chain nut they wouldn't bother to check the mission was actually executed- that's not what they are paid for, they might say. I'm not sure I have a solution for such situations... but somthing has to be done.
I didn't experience any flights yet so I can't share my experiences but it makes me all the more curios about stories like yours 😁
Thank you very much, hopefully you get to experience one someday