Travel with Kris to the United States #1 -Los Angeles Part 1 美國落杉磯旅記 Part1

in #travel7 years ago


Hi Steemit friends, hope you all doing good today. Lately, I have been sharing some places in Hong Kong. Thank you for all your support. Living in the U.S for almost five years, I had been traveling to many places in East and West Coasts. Encouraged by my friend, I decided to start a series to share my travel experience in the U.S with you. I hope you will like it. Today, I would like to explore lalaland with you.


Before heading to the Last Bookstore, my friends and I planned to visit a cafe, Urth Caffe. Locating in the art district, you will find this popular restaurant with plenty outdoor seating with white and green vintage decor. What I love here is the vibes, it's very chill that you can read you favourite book or have a casual lunch with friends. And of course, their quality food and coffee is another reason to keep me coming back. This time I ordered a cup of Mocha and a fruit tart.

出發前,我們先到市中心藝術區的一間咖啡廳—Urth Caffe。這家咖啡廳在LA很有名,不僅食物咖啡質量很好,而且環境也很舒適,很適合和朋友聊天,一起享受美食和休閒的氣氛,不過我們今天吃過午餐再過來,所以只點了杯摩卡和一個水果餡餅。他們的摩卡很高質喔,是我在LA飲過最好的,很推薦去LA的朋友試試。

1. Urth Caffe


Mocha and fruit tart


After the afternoon tea, we walked around in the art district. We are delighted and amazed by walking in this district, many epic sizes graffiti can be found in this area.

食過下午茶後,我們到附近的藝術區(Art district)散步,沿途看到很多巨型的塗鴉,對我們來說,每一個塗鴉就是一件藝術品,每一個都很獨特,很有LA的特色。這些塗鴉成為這一區的獨特新地標,吸引無數遊客觀光留影。

2. Art District


The Global Angel Wings Project created by artist Colette Miler to remind people that we all can be "Angels of the Earth" to show love and kindness to others.

_這是街頭藝術家Colette Miler的作品—天使翅膀,在社群網站很有名,大家在網上見過嗎?藝術家想借著作品傳遞一個信息「每個人都可以是其他人的天使,向需要幫助的人申出援手,展示人間有情。」

This is my favourite graffiti of this visit, a girl holding a LA hand gesture


Signs collection at the entrance of The Arts District Co-Op located in art district.

位於Art district Co-op入口處的裝飾牆,放滿了很多舊標誌。

In this Co-op, different designers sell their own designs in a wide variety categories includes fashion accessories, jewellery, clothing and watches etc... It's reminds me of the PMQ in Hong Kong that I shared in the previous post.

在這個Art District Co-op,不同的設計師銷售自己的作品,所以作品種類很多元化,由衣服到飾品,和家具擺設都可以在這邊找到。有沒有一點似曾相識?跟我之前介紹的PMQ 是不是有點像?


After 10 minutes drive, we reached to our next destination, The Last Bookstore. Maybe you will say what special about this bookstore that worth visiting? I guess you will change your mind after I introduce it to you. Located in the Spring Art Tower, it's the largest new and used book and record store in California with a collection of 250,000 NEW and USED books. If you are looking for some rare book or vintage record that couldn't find in other places, this is the place you want to search. The Last Bookstore is truly a hidden gem embedded in the city that Flavourwire mentioned it as one of the "20 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World". With the mission of "keep the paper and ink bookstore alive in an era of e-readers and digital downloads", The Last Bookstore continues buy and resell old books and decorate their store with the old books that could not be resell. These decorations are on the second floor and make this bookstore very unique. Another thing is most of the old books on the second floor is selling for $1 USD only. Their self-deprecating slogan is"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, WE WON"T BE HERE FOREVER." to encourage people visit their store before it shut down. What are you wait for, my friends?

去過LA 市中心的藝術區後,下一站想帶大家去我很喜歡的書店—The Last Bookstore(最後的書店)。也許你會說,書店有什麼好看的?如果我跟你說這是被稱為世界上最美麗的20間書店之一,它會令你改變對書店固有的印象,你會有興趣嗎?它是南加州目前最大的黑膠唱片和新舊書銷售的書店,收藏了25萬本不同的新舊書。店主希望在這個實體書店逐漸被電子書和網絡銷售商取代的時代,保留這最後一間書店,堅持買賣,轉售新舊書和舊唱片,這種堅持感動了很多閱讀和黑膠唱片愛好者。另外二樓獨特的書本裝飾也吸引了很多遊客到訪留影。

3. The Last Bookstore


Overlook of the first floor of The Last Bookstore



The tunnel of books on the second floor




The Rainbow collection of books. Most of the books are just $1 on the second floor,.


A bookcase featuring flying books created by artist David Lovejoy. The setup makes me think of Harry Potter Movie


Contemporary art pieces in the art gallery on the second floor




4. Urban Light

Ending our night by visiting this impressive sculpture, _Urban Light_created by artist Chris Burden. It's located at the entrance of Los Angeles County Museum of Art. This art piece consists of 202 grey painted vintage lampposts from the 1920s and 1930s. Have you recognised this location? The Director used this location for a scene in his film "No Strings Attached". It's impressive when all the lights switch on at night.

今天最後想介紹這個位於洛杉磯郡藝術館入口處的藝術品。藝術家Chris Burden以202支17種不同樣式的舊式燈柱排列成的裝置藝術。這些燈柱是1920s-1930s年代在南加州的街道上為市民服務,Chris Burden從收集古董的人那裡購買,漆上鐵灰色,就是現在大家看到的這個藝術品。大家有似曾相識的感覺嗎?如果你有看過No Strings Attached,大概會發現這是其中一個拍攝場景。當所有燈都亮起,Urban Light在漆黑的夜晚,為這坐城市增添了不少溫暖和色彩。



I think I will stop here. Hope you enjoy this post today!


Thanks for your time. Wish you all have a wonderful day.

Please Upvote and Follow Me and Be friend

Much Love! Kris xx


請關注我,我會繼續分享更多好文給大家,謝謝大家 :)


beautiful pictures!

Thank you!

Love that angel wings pic, @krischy! They almost look like real wings on you.

The name of that bookstore...with more and more bookstores closing shop, I'm hoping that this lovely bookstore has a different fate.

I could totally see myself hang out there all the time. Did you find anything you liked there?

Thanks for showing me around!

Thank you for your compliment :P I wish it won't close down as I like this bookstore a lot. I actually bought a book from there for only $1USD. It's my pleasure to share my travel experience with you and I am glad that you like it.

You're welcome!

Looking forward to more of your travel stories.

wow! LA is such a beautiful place! I love that the last book store. Very interesting place to read some awesome books. Very creatively decorated. Would love to see more of these! Upvoted!

Thank you! glad you like it, I will try my best to keep my post's quality :P

Wow lots of book, i love bookes realy happy to see ur post.Waiting for more like this from u.Upvoted followed u wish u do same.

Thank you for your upvote and follow. I followed you and looking forward for your upcoming posts.

Great Post and Work!!! Upvoted, Follow me and I Follow Back!! Regards!!

Thank you. I followed you and look forward for your upcoming posts!

nice pics - you are very photogenic :)

Thank you :)

Ahhhhh ! Another lovely traveler !! Enjoyed indeed

Thank you!



Nice, let me see if I can follow and go to some of those places later.

Sure, I am going to share my travel experience to Los Angeles Part 2 in the coming future :P

Really amazing post😊 love the art and the
Thx for sharing

Thank you!