Travel Is My Therapy
To most people traveling is a luxury thing, a vacation to get away, but to me its my therapy. The life experience that you gain from it and how fast you grow as a person is what I like most about traveling. Im blessed and thankful that I've been able to go see other counties and live there for a short period of time.
I like to experience the culture in counties that seem so foreign to me, try the food and learn the history that is behind it. I like that feeling of getting lost in a new place. Malta was one county I went to that made me feel like I was in a whole different world. Its a small island but beautiful, I love the buildings there and how the people their were so comfortable on living a simply life. I learned a lot living there, and grew so much.
Seeing new places and just going to different coffee shops and see how people are, how they live and what they enjoy doing. I take all of it in, To me it doesn't have to be a fancy hotel to enjoy a new place. Just simply getting lost in the county and growing from that is my therapy.