The Trip... The Universe is Expanding, but Our World is getting Smaller

in #travel7 years ago

I just got back to home base from a trip around Mothership Earth.... This is the rough route I took...

It only took 24 days, but I lived, experienced, and learned more in those 24 days then the historical majority do in an entire lifetime.

When in Bangkok I met my other self... Not really. But as close to it as it comes. I bumped into him when looking for a place to do my laundry and he helped show me where I could get it done for free and even provided the soap to wash my 1 load of clothes that I brought with me. Why did this stranger take time out of his day to help me out?

We started talking and started going deep in thought in conversation. Very deep. Life goals. Ambitions. Hardships. Heartbreaks. What makes us "same-same-but-different". He was one of the most interesting men I have ever met. Obviously, if I think he is just a reflection of myself...😜

He raised the question why I would bring a stack of physical copies of books with me rather than just store them on my computer when I had taken the extra effort to pack extremely lightly. The reason I traveled around the world in the first place was to spread the recycled ideas found in these books to make way for a better world-

We ended up talking for over 2 hours... It was bazar. More for him than it was for me, but only because of the trail of coincidences that led me to the point of meeting him.
....sitting next to a friend from childhood on the plane to Beijing that I hadn't seen in over 3 years- enough time for both of us to be-come a better version of our previous selves

....running into a good guy that was really good friends with a good mutual friend of mine at the Bangkok airport

....happen to tour the Buddhist temples on Buddha day when we didn't know it

....meeting a friend at the rooftop bar that inspired me to go to Pai after realizing that would be a good place to go to and giving me a book he had just read about someone that tried to do something similar to what my friends and I are working on
...that friend missing his plane and having to stay in Chiang Mai the night of the River Festival (arguably best day of the year to be in Chiang Mai)

...working on my thesis staying at
because the hostel my friends were staying at was fully booked. And my thesis equates to number pi...
....being to meet some of the top crypto traders in the world and leveraging my thesis and vision of a better world to gain their respect and insight...
...which made it possible to go to the COP23 talks where I had a couple friends presenting... cousin calling me at the same time (just now) I was about to write about my aunt (her Mom) happening to be in town and offer to help me out when I was in Bonn at the Cop23 talks
...staying with Robin from Sweden and Amend from Egypt when I was in Cologne (this means something on a deeper level to me) and Robin tattooing one of the pieces to the puzzle on me...
...visiting my cousin in Brussels the day of the Marine Corps Ball (lonngggg family lineage...)
... passing by a friend on the street in Barcelona that I didn't know was in Europe and hadn't seen since high school...

I could keep adding coincidences. My life is truly unbelievable. And that's how I like it. I feel like if I took the time to keep up to date on my life through social media it would limit the possibilities in which I could go.
....And I already surpassed the time limit I gave myself for writing this post. Back to living life through the art form and try to make way for a better world than we currently recognize it as. :)🧀