A Journey to my heart's homeland - a photo album by @mariandavp
Whoever has followed my art and writing posts may have noticed a pattern in the colors, the sceneries and the feelings exposed. Turquoise, dark blue, sand, green, sea, mountains, sun kissed yellow…
I have tried hard to change my pallet, I have tried not to repeat myself, but no matter the pains I’ve been through to escape the compulsion, it seems that my soul has been pinned with the images of my getaway paradise; Naxos Island.
You may have watched various travel shows (I think there was one recently in BBC) or read articles about this beautiful Greek island, but tonight I want to show you what I see when I visit my place in this world.
I hope you enjoy!
PS. Although in the cover photo I am holding a proper camera, some of the following photos were taken with my cell phone camera during my long runs (apart from the one’s I’m in of course).
My feelings for this island are best described in a previous post titled “Leaving Fotis”.
Your photos are fab, Beautiful scenery and looks a gorgeous place to stay :)
Thank you! It is, although I usually visit during summer. Winter can become challenging, still the scenery is magnificent in cold weather as well.
Great, On my way :)
Are the winters bad? Looks idyllic :)
Well, depends from where you are from. If you are from Canada or Boston, it's fine :)
I'm from the UK lol that's bad enough in Winter
Ok, you can move to Naxos. Easy.
I absolutely love the one where it is dark and there are lights in the tree.
💋 @halo 💋😇
Of course, black background and light on the subject is your super halo thing!
I know right, I am very drawn to black background and light on the subject. I am thinking about trying a white back ground, but I don't know , I really like the black.
💋 @halo 💋😇
I like black too, you don t have to change this it is your trademark!
Stunning spot on earth !
I wish I would find photos from my first trip to most Greec islands especially Hydra. Looking at your lovely photos got me traveling back in time
Well maybe it's time to come back?! :)
Are you naked there or it's just my imagination?
Its probably just your imagination..
No, not naked really............unless you are talking to the donkey lol

Well in fact if you zoom in I'm wearing my favorite Pucci bikini 😆