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RE: The Salton Sea is Dying and I’m Trying to Care

in #travel8 years ago

The more I learn about the destruction wrought by humans on this planet, the more I come to realise we are a parasite.

We are a particularly destructive and non-aware parasite. En masse, as a species, we don't realise (or care) how much of the planet we destroy.

We also don't seem to understand that there is no 'Planet B' and once the planet on which we depend is beyond saving, as a species, we're doomed.


I used to have that opinion as well until relatively recently. Graham Hancock's most recent work (Magicians of the Gods) has confirmed my growing awareness that what we would consider "catastrophic changes" in climate and geology have been recurring events in the planet's history. "Magicians of the Gods" is well worth a read.

Be part of the solution. Stop breathing.

I'm sure it's possible for people to live in better harmony with our surroundings, but we have a long way to go if we want to live sustainably.

SUCH a long way, unfortunately.

More unfortunately, so many don't want to try.

seriously right? I mean what do people have to lose by going green? Nothing!!

Completely agree with you Michelle.