Historical Fortress Indra Patra Krueng Raya

A bastion of the first Hindu royal heritage in Aceh can still be seen to this day near Ujong Batee beach, Ladong Village, Masjid Raya Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District. This fort is located in the Gulf of Krueng Raya and faced with Inong Balee Fortress located in the hills beyond. Uniquely to reach the inside of this castle then you need to climb first or with a ladder that has been provided. Benteng Indra Patra is part of 3 fortress in Trail Aceh lhee Sagoe. Trail Aceh Lhee Sagoe is an area connecting three Hindu-Buddhist relics in Aceh

If all three are connected (Indrapatra, Indrapuri and Indrapurwa) it will form a triangle and also called Aceh Lhee Sagoe Trail. Indra Patra Fortress was built in the 7th century AD by Son of King Harsa of Lamuri Kingdom, the first Hindu kingdom in Aceh (Indra Patra) before the arrival of Islamic influence. The position of this fort is quite strategic because it faces directly with the Malacca Strait so it serves as a defensive fortress from the Portuguese fleet attack. In the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda, the world's most famous and respected admiral, Admiral Malahayati, used this fortress for the defense of the Aceh Darussalam Kingdom from Portuguese attacks coming from the Strait of Malacca. Indra Patra fortress is large and made of 2 meter mountain rock arrangement. The wall adhesive of the castle is estimated to be a mixture of lime, clay, egg white, and shell collisions. During the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam, the fort was used as a defense against the Portuguese fleet.

It is possible that this fort played a role in blocking the Portuguese fleet that wanted to enter Aceh through the bay of krueng raya. In the coastal area of the bay of the river Krueng raya is also there is another fort named Fort Iskandar Muda. The largest fortress measuring 70 x 70 meters as high as 3 meters. There is a large, sturdy room measuring 35 x 35 meters as high as 4 meters. Inside the main fortress there are 2 wells shaded by dome-shaped buildings. Around the castle there are still many other foundations that are not clearly shaped and collapsed due to natural conditions. The restoration of this fort was done after the tsunami in Aceh in 2004. Now the Office of the Ministry of National Education of Aceh continues to renovate the fortress.