introducing @montlogan = this is I
Hi, my dear fellow-Steemians!
I reckon that it is the proper time to write something about myself, after publishing the introductory articles on this platform – as a matter of fact, only one article, but divided in 5 different units – so that you can find out what you can expect from me in the future, if you decide to follow my blog.
I chose to declare myself here by the name of my late alter-ego @montlogan, an Alaskan Malamute, whose full name was Montlogan Diamond Aris.
We spent together more than 12 years in my actual reincarnation, which is also – as I’ve been told by three separate experts in non-hypnotic regression – my last reappearance in the material world, because my old soul has already done all the karma (by the year of 2006), accumulated during the previous millenniums.
My semen came to Earth upon an asteroid – according to the ‘Theory of Panspermia’, first mentioned approx. 450 BC by the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras and then elaborated by Francis Crick in 1973, which NASA has just recently confirmed and re-established – presumably from the constellation of Pleiades, as well as the seeds of all other mammals on our planet (except the two nations who are insects and reptiles of origin, and who came to Gaia from some other depths of the Universe).
For my current incarnation I chose the parents who delivered me in 1951 in Zagreb and gave me the name Nebojša (Néboysha) – the proof that ‘nomen est omen’, because it means "Unfrightened One" and I was never afraid of anything material – but people mostly call me Nash.
After the so called ‘Classic High School’ (8 years of Latin and 6 years of ancient Greek), I graduated political science and journalism and also got the first degree of law studies.
In 1975 I got a job as presenter and later as the editor at Radio Zagreb, where I worked for the informative news, for cultural redaction and in the department for children.
My own kids were also my most devoted listeners…
During the next 15 years I’ve done numerous broadcasts and more than 750 interviews with famous 'domestic' and world artists (the whole ex-Yu music, theater and movie métier, Kishon, Schrader, Jancso, Hines, Cimino, Josephson, Keach, Kasdan, Goldberg, Lucas, Spielberg...)
In 1991 as I was fed up with the kind of journalism in Croatia I turned to music, found a producer in Germany, moved to Düsseldorf and for the next four years I was performing as a singer-songwriter in Italian restaurants (La Terrazza at KÖ, Al Camino), various clubs (Krefeld, Duisburg, Köln, Berlin), different public events and acted also as a music editor and producer on the project for Nada Kokotović Theater in Unna.
By the end of ‘95 I turned back to journalism as a freelancer (DW, WDR, RBB, SAR)...
…but I did not quite neglect my musical career: I recorded 6 cds mostly of my own material (in English, Italian and Croatian)…
…published a fiction novel (written in Croatian, translated into English, but still not published in the West)…
The first of my many interests is traveling – I’ve managed to visit every European country except Malta and Albania so far, 25 states of USA, northern part of South America, but there are still so many that remain in my focus – and I will be very happy to share some of my most memorable journeys with you - through words and pictures...
My other interests include music (Djole-the International, Cohen, Joel, Celentano, McLean, Croce, Wetton, Waits, Eros, Pausini, Visotsky, Moustaki, Pink Floyd, Asia, Die Prinzen, Parni Valjak…)...
…reading (G.I.Gourdijeff, P.D.Ouspenski, D.Chopra, E.Tolle, Z.Sitchin, A.C.Clarke, H.Blavatsky, Dr.M.Newton, M.Selimovic…)…
…film (S.Kubrick, J.Tati, F.Truffaut, B.Luhrmann, G.Markovic…)…
…feng shui, runes & tarot reading, pendulum…
Facit: It is very probable that some from this choice of topics might be seen in my next posts, thanks to @matejka13, who introduced me to and recommended that I join the Steemian Family. I hope that her idea will end to our mutual satisfaction.
Gretings & stay tuned!
Welcome @montlogan
Thank you!
Welcome to Steem Community @montlogan! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.
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Welcome, dobrodošao. Očekujemo puno zanimljivih stvari obzirom na odličan introduce post😁
Bolje Vas sve našao ! Hvala na dobrodošlici i trudit ću se opravdati očekivanja ...
...s užitkom
It was really good to learn about you....welcome to steemit ☺️ it's really nice to have you here enjoy the platform and explore the community.....wish you all the best.
Thanks a lot!
Welcome to Steemit, now it’s official! 🥂
I wish you long and prosper life on the platform... Can’t wait to read more 😺 White grapes are waiting for you in Zagreb, btw ;) 💙
Hugs & XXX !!!
Greetings From Mr. Crypto!

I enjoyed your post and I'm pleased to meet you!
Please help us grow @rehab22 Follow/UpVote/Resteem
Original Content.Thank you, glad to hear that!
Looks like you have a lot to share! Welcome!
This is a great community of content creators. Steemit has a bit of a learning curve. So try to have patience to understand the platform, how to format your posts, and optimize your payouts.
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Let me know if you have any questions as a new user on Steemit, I am happy to help! You can follow me at @ngans. I post a lot about neuroscience, psychology, health, and philosophy.
Thank you very much! Much obliged!
Wellcome to steemit, follback and upvote my post, please...thanks
Welcome welcome, you seem like a great new addition to this platform :)
Thank you very much on your warm welcome!
Welcome to steemit! Dobrodosao!
Hvala, bolje Te našao!