South Africa: Wild elegance - "National Park"

in #travel7 years ago

Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park is the largest wildlife park in South Africa. Located in the northeast of Transvaal, west of the Le Bon Bo mountain range. It borders the Zimbabwe and Mozambique borders. The park is about 320 kilometers long, 64 kilometers wide and covers an area of about 20,000 square kilometers.
In the endless wilderness of the park, elephants, lions, rhinos, antelopes, giraffes, wild buffaloes, zebras, crocodiles, hippopotamuses, leopards, cheetahs, wildebeests, impalas, birds and other exotic rare birds are distributed. In terms of plants, there are unique and tall baobabs in Africa. The dry season from June to September every year is the best season for sightseeing. Average tourists are over 250,000 every year. The park is headquartered in Skukuza.

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There are a total of 18 national parks in South Africa today, Krueger ranked first. Kruger is also a world leader in related technologies and research in animal care, ecotourism and environmental protection.

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The Kruger National Park was founded in 1898 and was founded by Paul Kruger, the last Governor of the Republic of Buer. In order to prevent the then-serious poaching phenomenon, Paul Kruger protected wild animals along the Sable River and declared the area as an animal protection zone. With the continuous expansion of the protected area, it has perfectly maintained the natural environment and ecological balance in the region. The Kruger is the best protected wildlife area in the world with the best animal species.

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There are a wide variety of wild animals in the Kruger National Park. Their species and number are second to none in the world. According to the latest statistics, Kruger National Park has 147 species of mammals, 114 species of reptiles, 507 species of birds, 49 species of fish and 336 species of plants. The number of antelopes exceeds 140,000 and ranks first in Africa. Others include 20,000 bisons, 20,000 zebras, 7,000 African elephants, 1200 African lions, and 2,500 rhinoceros. There are also a large number of leopards, giraffes, crocodile, hippo and ostriches in the park. In the plains on the west side of the Kruger National Park, large and small private animal protection areas are also distributed.

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