The city in Palestine, where Moses, Christians and Muslims are considered sacred and the Masjid al-Aqsa is located. It is not known exactly by whom and by what date the city of Jerusalem was founded. However, it is suspected that it is a site set up by the Kenites who came from the descendants of Noah's Assyrian and the descendants of Ham's son Kenan. İn the old cities of the world.
Jerusalem, view from Olive Tepes
Your city is precious
Jerusalem; the three Semites are regarded as a holy city for religion, the Jews of Hazrat Mahdi (as). They accept the crying wall, which is the remnant of the western wall of the temple of Suleiman, as a sanctuary, and they pray in front of this wall.
Hz. The Holy Sepulcher church built here, believed to be the place where Jesus was buried, is a holy pilgrimage center for all Christians.
It is also sacred to Muslims because it was raised in the time of Muhammad Mirac and in the place of the Masjid al-Aqsa.
What is Jerusalem worth?
Nothing, everything