Atop the World! What It’s Like at the Top of Salzburg, Austria.

in #travel8 years ago

We only spent three days in Salzburg – a decision I deeply regret. There aren’t too many places I have been where you can still visit a walk-through horse wash constructed around 1700.

(View from the fortress)

I mean, the city was founded by Romans in 15BC and the fortress on the top of the mountain was begun in 1077. Definitely gets bonus cool points for that.

We rolled into town (literally) on a train – our first train ride in Europe. The closer we got to Salzburg, the more beautiful the surroundings became. We had rented an apartment in Allstadt (Old Town) that was a brilliant 15 minute walk down the mountain into the heart of it all. We crossed a mountain to get there. Actually, through a mountain via tunnel with a sidewalk in it.

(Walking through the tunnel to Allstadt)

(Where the tunnel pours into the Old Town)

If you want to experience the actual walk, here is a video of it. The first few seconds really gives you a feel for it. The rest (I’m not gonna lie) is a bit tedious.

Salzburg is a city built into a mountain- literally. Every spring the city employs Mountain Cleaners to chip away at any loose debris so they do not fall on the houses built into the mountainside. It is such a unique experience, and absolutely beautiful!

(This is right beside the horse wash. See how the buildings are built into the mountainside?)

(A better view of the magnificent horse wash)

Cue unique – dude on top of a monstrous shiny gold ball. Not unique enough for you? How about dude on top of a monstrous shiny gold ball beside a larger than life chess board? YES! I don’t even know how to play chess, and was tempted. A perfect place to sit and enjoy some ice cream. (But really, isn’t anywhere a perfect place for ice cream? Let’s be honest.)

(How fun is this?)

Ice cream brings us to food. Pretty sure I ate more ice cream on this trip than the rest of my whole life. Not complaining, except that maybe I need to eat ice cream on a more daily basis – things you learn in travel. The food here was delightful, especially if you like sausages. If you don’t, just visit Austria or Germany when you plan to go on a big diet. This is where I uncovered my love for berner wurstel. Ohmygosh! Sausage wrapped in cheese and bacon? I mean, does it get any better? The answer is no, people. It doesn’t.

(Ohmygosh…I’m hungry now. Oh, and that's schnitzel across the table. YUM!)

After a full belly it is time to unearth what the castle has to offer. Up the oldest funicular in Austria we go! After a 54 second ride we exit into another world. It is almost as if you could fly – it’s perched so magnificently on the top of the mountain with nothing underneath for approximately 1,500 feet. If, in your travels, you find yourself in Salzburg, put this on your list. Not optional. Here, I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

(This is what it is like to step off the funicular and view down on Salzburg)

After our descent and a bite to eat we strolled around town a bit more, secretly hoping to filibuster our return with idle window gazing.

(I mean, look at these fabulous shops!)

And thus our evening concluded with a short hike back through the mountain to our apartment. Only to awake the next day to another momentous day in Austria!

All photos from our European Vacation 2016


Salzburg is connected to Mozart isn't it?

Yes! You get extra credit. It is the birthplace of Mozart. There are icons to him everywhere - even the chocolate has his face on it. If you like marzipan, try the Mozart balls. :)

I never realized Salzburg was built like that. Cool post with some good photos.

Thanks so much! I have a bunch more photos so I am sure i will be posting more about the few days we spent there. We took a Sound of Music tour and it was amazing!

Looks amazing. It's going on my wishlist! Definitely a realistic wish aswell, this one :D

Be sure to spend a few more days there than we did. I left wishing I didn't have to. If you go, please check out the town of Halstatt, Austria. It is in the Lake District - not too far away. If I go back I will at least spend one night there. We only spent a few hours one day. I will write about that soon. :)

Wow, looking at the images on google, Halstatt is a must see.
I've been to Austria once before and it was so beautiful. It's definitely a country I want to visit again.

It is every bit as beautiful as it looks!
You gotta go!

Wow, amazing! Yes, I have put it on my list of places to visit. There's so many, I had to start a list for when we decide where to go :-)

The biggest problem - when to stop! I started with only two or three places. Then I found the train system. Then we were gone for a countries. Haha!

Wow, this is seriously beautiful!!!!!

Thanks! I left wishing I didn't have to. I will write more about this area because it is so stunning. Thanks for reading!

Shortly before Christmas we have been to Leoben (also Austria) ... maybe next time we should try Salzburg as well ... Nice photos! :)

I just Googled Leoben. It's beautiful! I bet is was amazing decorated for Christmas! Looks like another excuse to go back. :) Thanks!

When will you visit Salzi again?