Lamma Island

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

So today, we went to Lamma Island and spent the majority of the day there. Friends and I took the ferry for about half an hour to get there and I literally got seasick like 10 minutes in and it made the whole ride super uncomfortable. I have never gotten seasick before, but the ferry was super rocky and I just closed my eyes the entire time to suppress it. Thank goodness the ride wasn’t too long because I for sure would have thrown up if it was like 15 minutes longer. Anyways, once we got to the island, we walked around for a bit to find some food since most of us hadn’t eaten yet. We ended up getting some snacks at this small bakery shop and then continued to walk on the island. The island was super different from Cheung Chau because it had a lot more residential areas and actual families living there. We passed by a bunch of houses, a school, small shops, and occasionally some restaurants. Our group decided that we wanted to rent bikes and bike around the island, so we walked around to find a bike rental place. We found one and rented bikes for about 2 hours and then made our way biking around the island. The first stop we made was at a beach (don’t remember the name exactly) but it was super beautiful despite the somewhat gloomy skies.

There were some snack shops surrounding the beach as well so I picked up a satay sauce chicken skewer, which was SUPER GOOD omg. After we made our little pitstop for beach views and, of course, pics, we continued to bike down the path. We stopped again about 5 minutes later at this place with a nice view of the ocean with a bunch of rocky cliffs. We took more pictures there and even attempted a group pic with the phone timer on a rock…the picture turned out to only capture our silhouettes, but it was pretty nice anyways!

We continued to bike along the path, but it started to get EXTREMELY UPHILL…and our group wasn’t down for that. Actually, the entire time we were biking, we encountered a bunch of uphill parts and we were all struggling so hard so when we realized that the rest of the path was probably going to be uphill too, we just turned back and started biking the other direction. We came across a bunch of crossroads where we didn’t know which way to go, and every time we went one direction, it turned out to be super uphill again, so we would just turn around. So long story short, LAMMA ISLAND IS REALLY HILLY and not really meant for biking. And the place we rented bikes from wasn’t the best either because TBH, the bikes were kind of whack. The chains on Christine’s bike snapped, so we had to stop a few times to fix it. The handles on Dan’s bike completely fell off, so we had to stop a few times to fix it. The chains on Liya’s bike snapped and the bike wouldn’t stop squeaking, so we had to stop a few times to fix that too. Basically, the bikes themselves were just as much of a struggle as the actual biking…but we pulled through and continued. This one path we went down, it wasn’t too hilly so we continued to bike down towards this factory thing, but we soon hit a dead end/the gates of the factory and couldn’t continue. So, we had to turn back around again and go the opposite direction. The 2 hours were almost up, so we just decided to head back to the bike rental place to return our bikes. Biking around the island, even though it was so physically demanding, was really fun because the views were so beautiful and whenever we would hit a DOWNHILL part, we would just let the bike go and feel the breeze.

After returning our bikes, we wanted to eat dinner on the island itself before going on the ferry back to HK island, so we walked around looking for a nice seafood restaurant to eat at. We checked out about 3 different restaurants to compare prices, and ended up going to one that had seats outside by the ocean. Our group didn’t order enough food to fill us up, but the food that we did eat was really good!! Memorable part of this dinner experience was definitely the crazy cat that would roam around our table and randomly JUMP right next to Alvin off and on the table lol so tragic. But anyways, we ate and then got onto the ferry to head home. Tiring, but very adventurous day 🙂


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Lamma Island is one of the most beautiful and serene places in Hong Kong. Lamma is an island situated just off the coast from Kowloon. Here you check this Landscaping wellington and get more new things for ideas of kapiti. The island is famous for its small harbor and large number of seafood restaurants, making it a great spot to visit if you're looking for a quick bite to eat.