Get Paid To Travel By Becoming A Travel Photographer

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

I am building a series of posts on how to make money - considering I have spent a lot of time over the years trying different things. I hope you enjoy the guides - drop me a comment :)

With the advent of digital cameras, more and more amateurs are submitting their photographs to magazines and newspapers either as a means of recognition or a desire to share their images. Since the increase of digital images and websites like Flikr or TrekEarth, pinterest, Instagram, many photos are shared online and some of them receive greater exposure by being posted on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.

You could monetise your hobby, if you are serious about making some spare cash.

It wouldn’t be true to say that anyone can get paid to travel by becoming a travel photographer although travel photography is probably the most commercial side of professional photography. There is a misconception that it is a simple matter to shoot an image and get paid for it. In fact most commercial travel images are designed to attract tourists and a good photographer will be able to show not only images of landscapes but also give a feel for the experience that someone will have when they pay a visit to that destination.

The essence of travel photography is to capture the images of people, landscapes, historical buildings, cultural activities and other customs associated with a region anywhere in the world. A good travel photographer can show an expression of a time and place in its natural state and photographs can be used for educational purposes as well as for purely aesthetic purposes.

Can I become a Travel Photographer?

There are opportunities for people to become travel photographers but they need to understand what will sell and what will not.

The majority of people will only document their journey by randomly snapping photos as they travel and rarely do they consider the end result.

Images of famous and iconic sites will sell but there are thousands of these types of photographs already available by simply looking on the Internet.

There is much more chance of selling your photos if you can incorporate into the image the life style that can be found at the holiday destination. A photograph that sparks a desire in the viewer to see that destination will be much easier to sell. Another aspect to consider when taking photos of famous places is that there is also a demand for up to date images i.e. people wearing clothes that are in fashion now and not 10 years ago.

What sort of Travel Photography Jobs are available?

Most jobs available are for seasoned veterans, or people with a real flair for photography. And even they fight a large pool of potential competitors.

Traveling to out of the way destinations is another good way to get paid for travel photographs. Millions of photos are taken every year in the usual tourist hot spots like Paris and Venice. If you take a trip to somewhere off the beaten track such as cities in the former Eastern Bloc countries you will have some unique images that may be much easier to sell.

What about Amateur Photographers?

So, can an amateur get paid to travel by becoming a travel photographer? Many students have financed their journeys during a gap year but it takes dedication and hard work. You need to find a buyer for your work, preferably in advance, and you need to be more than a competent photographer.

Having a good eye for spotting something different will help and it is important that you actually love photography as otherwise it is easy to become disillusioned. You can find lots of information on the Internet with advice about what type of photos will sell and what to avoid.

Where can I sell my work?

Many former communist countries are opening up as holiday destinations and their tourism centres may be looking for new images in order to attract more visitors. Taking shots of local people (with their permission) can create a welcoming and friendly image that tourist boards may be glad to buy.

There are many travel websites on the Internet that are also looking for fresh images and quite a few smaller travel magazines that will pay for fresh content.

If you are a writer who is traveling and can add some interesting information to an image; that will also help to sell your work to magazines.

Often Travel bloggers look for decent photos to go with their posts, you could approach them direct, though don’t expect to paid big bucks!

Sites such as Getty Images, iStock Photos, dreamstime are all good sites to list your photos too.

You should also do some research about what gaps there are in the market as well as making a list of prospective clients. Many types of businesses like publishers, airlines, tourist boards and websites need updated photos so creating a list of possible clients is useful.

Although some people style themselves as travel photographers, it is not always helpful to use a restrictive title. Anyone who is serious about selling their work should create a portfolio of different shots including landscapes, action shots and studies of people. This will show prospective clients that you are an enthusiastic and serious competitor in an oversubscribed field. It may tip the balance in your favour when they are considering who to choose.

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