[Vietnam #3]Travelling as Part of Daily Life 'Visa' 베트남 비자

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Between an ordinary life and an wandering life
-episode of Vietnam -
일상과 방랑사이 베트남편
by Homoviatro @Smile.jay.

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제 글과 사진이 마음에 드신다면 팔로우와 소통의 댓글 그리고 보팅 부탁드려요.


Travelling as Part of Daily Life

To make Vietnam part of my daily life,
I needed visa, home, communication device, insurance and other basic needs.
When I lived in Korea, these were everyday things
but when I was preparing for my life in Vietnam,
every small thing was of great importance.

여행이 일상이 되는 일

베트남 생활을 일상으로 만들기 위해서
비자 , 집 , 통신기기 , 보험 등등 기본적인 준비들이 필요했어요.
한국에서는 워낙 일상적인 것들이었는데
베트남의 삶을 위해 하나하나 준비하다 보니 중요하지 않고 사소한것들이 없더라구요


자주 질문을 받았어요 .
‘어떻게 베트남에서 살생각을 했어 ?
대단하다 생각은 해도 실천 못하는사람들이 참많은데’
'내가 하고 싶은일을 하는건걸요 .
생각해보면 그게 더 쉬워요 내가 하고싶은걸 하는거'

나에게 베트남에 사는 삶의 결정과 과정이 어렵고 두렵지 않았던것 같아요.

Many people used to ask me,

'How did you come up with the thought of moving to Vietnam?
It's incredible because many people who want to do something but they never take the action.'

"I am just doing what I want to do.
Doing what I want to do is actually easier than not doing it.

" Honestly, making decision about moving here and the process of preparing for it wasn't that scary or difficult.
Actually, the place I have achieved so far and to leave friends and family behind made me more anxious than actually going to Vietnam.
Maybe I am happy where I am now.

The happiness I get from my daily routine life and the same people I meet were big and valuable to me.
The comfort of staying at my own home and the happiness I felt from personal relationships were unexchangeable.
Doing similar work, meeting the same friend, worrying about daily finance, friend's birthday, clothes I want to buy just became one of many advice. And curiosity for the world and other things that we see and feel doesn't seem that important.
But surely, I wanted to live my life elsewhere.
If I get away from my daily routine and go somewhere, I find unexpected rest and get inspired for motivation.
I may be able to think outside of my daily life and find new perspectives by encountering new environment, people, and culture.

Tediousness and inescapable feeling from repetitive day to day life can be improved.
You will never find out if you don't try.
The reason that I am more happy now, is because I can look back at my life, look at things that are most valuable in life and how I act for those values.

Nowadays, pro travelers have increased that have choose long term trips than short trips. It is the idea of living rather than taking trips.
Trends like living in a foreign place for a month and digital nomad started to bloom. Many people left to another country for living instead of for study or work purposes.
I became one of them.
I rented a home in Ho Chi Minh City in hopes to find new places and new experiences.
Now, travelling has become my day to day life.

요즘 프로여행가들이 늘어갔고 요즘은 trip 개념의 짦은 여행보다 저널 같은 개념의 장기간의 여행 또는 여행을 삶으로 택하는 사람들 까지도 많아져가요.
한달살기 ,디저털 노마드 같은 단어들이 생겨나고 ,워킹과 유학 출장등의 이유가아닌 삶자체가 이유가 되어 떠나는 노마드 들을 흔하게 찾을수 있는데. 저도 그들중 하나가 됐어요..
새로운 곳 새로운 경험을 찾아 새로운 곳 베트남의 호치민에서 집을 렌트를 하고.
여행 하루하루가 내게 일상이 된 이야기 입니다.


First Story: Visa Needed for Living in Vietnam
첫 번째 .베트남 생활을 위한 비자 이야기

To live in another country, I needed a visa.
The life I had so far in Korea didn't require any visa so it felt unusual preparing for it.
Something I discovered while preparing for my visa was that our country's passport allows entrances to many countries including South America. It's considered one the most influential passports.

Our country's passport allows citizens to travel to 172 countries without visa which is the second most influential visa in Asia and comes in the sixth place of all countries. Germany passport allows 177 countries without visa; Switzerland, and Canada allows 172 countries like Korea.
Thanks to this, we are able to travel comfortably and interesting fact is that South Korean visa is actually traded illegally for expensive prices.

우리나라 여권으로 무 비자로 방문할 수 있는 국가는 172개이며
그것은 영향력면 아시아 2위 세계 6위이며,
독일이 177개국 무비자 입국 가능 , 스위스 캐나다 등의 나라가 172개국으로 우리와 같아요.

우리나라 여권을 가진 국민이라면 베트남에 15일 이하의 단기 여행을 위해서는 비자를 따로 발급받을 필요가 없어요.
무비자로 15일을간 머무를 수 있습니다.
하지만 무비자로는 베트남 체류 15일 이전에 출국을 해야 하며 30일 이내에는 다시 입국할수 없어요.
출국일로부터 30일이 지난 이후 무비자로 재 방문이 가능합니다.
하지만 난 베트남에 1년 정도 머물 예정이었으니 비자가 필요했어요.

If you are a Korean citizen with a passport, you don't need to obtain a visa for a short term trip to Vietnam.
You can stay for 15 days without a visa.
However, without a visa, you need to depart before the 15th day and cannot enter Vietnam within 30 days after departure.
After 30 days of departing, you may enter again without a visa.
Since I am planning to stay in Vietnam for about a year, I definitely needed a visa.

베트남의 비자는 크게 학생비자 , 비즈니스 비자 , 관광 비자가 있는데 난 특별한 목적이 없기에 관광비자에 속했어요.
관광비자는 1개월 3 개월 단위로 받을 수가 있는데, 나는 조금 더 긴 3개월로 관광비자로 연장을 해가며 지내기로 했습니다.
3개월 후에는 근처 캄보디아,태국,라오스등 다른 나라를 잠시 다녀오면 다시 비자를 발급받거나 연장을 했어요.

Major Vietnamese visas were as student visa, business visa, and tourist visa. Because I didn't have a specific purpose, I required a tourist visa.
Tourist visa can be obtained for one month or three months periods. I obtained the three months visa and extended my visa date after every three months.
After three months, I had to re-obtain visa again to visit nearby countries such as Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos.

비자를 발급받기 위해서는 베트남 대사관에 가서 미리 비자를 발급받는 방법이 있고
도착비자로 베트남 입국 전 비자 허가증만 신청만 해둔 후 입국시 증명사진(4*6)2장과 인적사항등의 정보를 기제하는 비자신청서 (비자카운터에 있는 신청서에 인적정보적으면 됩니다..
미리 프린트해 준비해 가도된다) , 유효기간이 6개월이상 남은 여권과 그리고 수수료를 준비해 베트남 공항에 도착했을 때 입국 공항에 있는 비자 카운터에서 도착비자로 발급받는 방법이 있습니다.

수수료의 가격은 단수비자(1회성) 3개월 미만은 25달러 ,복수비자(여러번 입출국이 가능함) 3개월 미만은 50달러 ,3개월은 이상은 95달러이다.허가증을 대행기간이나 대사관에서 발급 받습니다.
2일이전에 발급받는 것이 좋지만 준비를 못했을경우 비행 직전에도 탑항공에서 전화해 요청하면 준비해 주기도 합니다.
최근에는 30일 비자라면 대사관을 가지 않더라도 전자비자로 발급받을수 있습니다.

There are different way to getting visa issued.
One, you can go to Vietnamese embassy to an receive it earlier than departure date.
Two, apply for a visa permit before entering Vietnam, then upon arrival have 2 identification photos (sized 4*6) ready and write down personal information on a visa application (you can see samples on visa counters or have it printed ready) to obtain an arrival visa.

Three, you need to have a passport that has at least six months of expiration months left and a fee. When arriving at the Vietnam airport, you can obtain arrival visa at the visa counter by the entrance section of the airport.
The fee is 25 dollars for singular visa(one-time use) which allows less than 3 months stay, 50 dollars multiple visas(can enter and leave several times) which allows less than 3 months stay and 95 dollars for over 3 months stay.
A permit is issued from visa agencies or embassy.
It's good to have it issued more than two days prior to entering but if you didn't get it ready, you can call before and request before your flight; some high-quality flight companies can prepare it for you.
Recently, if you need a 30 days visa, you can obtain an electronic visa instead of going to the embassy.

While I was travelling from country to country, I experienced the inconvenience as a foreigner and importance of having a nationality. Then I heard about some people living in mountainous area without any nationality.

Maybe they didn't want to face responsibilities and dedication as part of having a nationality so they moved out of their countries up to to the mountains. Or maybe they always lived in mountainous area and wanted to continue their lives.
Their high altitude and geographical features help with unique harvesting and they live by swapping harvested goods and with their own discipline.

When I first heard of this story, I was so shocked that some people didn't have nationality because nationality was something natural for me ever since I was little.
My friend is Vietnamese but is Swiss with a Switzerland citizenship. During the Vietnam war, many Vietnamese immigrated to Swiss, Germany and other European countries that accepted immigrants.
This happened less than 100 years ago.
Things I see in books and movies actually happened not that long ago and is still ongoing today.
Things I can't imagine are happening in different places of the world and in fact, it is happening nearby.
I felt goosebumps on my body.

My life is decided depending on what country I am born in and maybe I am living comfortably thanks to this luck.
When I heard of the two stories, I had thoughts in my head.
Some things taken for granted have a big influence on me yet I lived my life without acknowledging, complaining, or being responsible about it.
I shouldn't take it for granted of some things I have.


사실 저는 지금 파리에있어요 . 여행중이에요
제가 묵는 비앤비가 알고보니 와이파이가 안되는 비앤비일뿐 아니라 집만 들어오면 데이터가 터지질 않아요 ...
그래서 한동안 스티밋의 스자도 보지 못했네요 ㅜㅜㅜ
하지만 오늘은 지인 집에 머물게 되며 글을 올려요 :)
글이 짧기도 하고 마음에 드는 사진을 완벽하게 고르지도 못했지만
베트남 일상을 연재합니다 :-)
파리이야기도 시간 되는데로 올리도록 할게요 !!
스티미언 님들 모두 좋은 하루 보내세요 ^^

Special thank you to @ciceron
@ciceron help steemians to break language barrier.

@ciceron은 ‘번역’ 기업 입니다. 창업 이후 KT, 서울특별시, SK, SGS 같은 큰 기업들과의 프로젝트 부터 논문, 전시 등의 전문 번역 서비스를 수행해온 스타트업으로 스티미언의 언어 경계없는 커뮤니 케이션을 돕고 있습니다. 번역을 도와주신 @ciceron 님 정말정말 감사합니다.