Brooklyn Bridge to Golden Gate
More than 3,000 miles driven.
Two separate cars.
One car accident.
The local coffee shop gave me my coffee and cookie for free on the out way of town. I left the mountains in NorCal and went down to San Francisco. Can't tell you how nice it was to be in a city again.
Cars, traffic, insane drivers, diversity, style.
Skylines probably got me the most though. A million windows blinking in the dark.
I loved the slow pace of it all, but there is an energy about it that I can't explain.
Oh wait lies! This guy can. Link below. More efficient. Faster. Ideas generated faster. More patents. Innovation flies. Not becuase of culture, but because of physical energy flow. Fascinating.
Still can't figure out if the pace is sustainable for me though.
Time will tell.
St. Louis next. Then Barcelona!!