in #travel6 years ago (edited)

So I left my last post.. leaving Berlin. To go to Copenhagen. For anyone that doesn't know, it's well far. You need to get a ferry there. I didn't know that.

We'd had a mad night and I hadn't slept.. not that I didn't have chance or didn't want to.. I tried and just couldn't. Cue a 7 hour drive in a van full of lads that like loud techno and jungle music.

I full on passed out for the last 2 hours of that drive (the most beautiful dreamless sleep). The ferry was very choppy. Everytime I stood up I felt like Bambi so I just sat most the way. First thing I noticed about Denmark is they like automatic stuff. In the toilets, the paper towel dispenser has a WiFi sign on it, just wave your hands, and you get one sheet of paper. Anyone who's ever dried their wet hands before knows one sheet ain't enough. Which means it takes about one round of Ey Macarena just to have dry hands. Note to self: buy hand sanitizer and carry it always.

The second thing I noticed is their ketchup is shit. And a French hotdog is the worst thing ever invented.

But yeah, after the ferry I slept all the way to the hotel. It's a chain in Copenhagen, called Cabinn. I think, because, the rooms are so small, it really reminded me of a cabin on a ferry. Except I was 14 floors up (1408 if yer Stephen King to be exact). They operate the shower and the sink from the same tap, and at one point I was trying to brush my teeth and couldn't work out how to stop the shower.. so I just brushed my teeth using the shower. Like an animal, or a super busy person.

(Perfect if you like showering your feet while taking a shit. Super efficient)

The Cabinn chain has a motto, that's dotted around everywhere like propaganda: "All you need to sleep". Like, no shit, there's definitely a bed. A big no-no for claustrophobic people though. The buildings outside looked like paint swatches.


Since I'd been walking round Berlin in cheap sandals (about 10 miles fitbit says) my feet were fucked. Blisters, shin splints, whatever, I rested up during the day. Went for lunch, bought better shoes, then was ready to see a bit of Copenhagen at night. I'll point out now that while Germany was a fucking toasty 36 degrees, Denmark was a good 20 degrees colder. And trust me, in England we like 16 degrees Celsius. That's beer garden/BBQ weather. Here; it feels like ice wind. Anyway.

Thanks are due to BF's shady work mate who loves weed; cos that night we went to Pusher Street. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a little hippy village, where you can walk up the little streets and buy any kind of weed or hash you can imagine. As far as I'm aware, weed isn't legalised in Denmark, as it is in say Amsterdam. It's like a divey lawless town, with a real strange mix of characters and it's cool as fuck. If you enjoy those kind of places. I do. I managed to get a pic of the street before some guy selling weed told us no pictures.

(My illegal pic of Pusher Street)

Me and BF went into this bar, for a 50 kroner entry fee, which also got us 2 free drinks. That's dirt cheap, I'm pretty sure. I gave up trying to mentally convert money on the ferry over. This bar was so cool, like boho divebar circus freak decor. That's what I want my bedroom to be like. It's kinda sad a place like that couldn't exist in the UK - it would be so gentrified and overrun. Ok, I'm starting to sound very hipsterish. There was really good live music playing, but we didn't stay too late, as BF had to work the next day. Boo. Taxi back to the hotel and I got a few more beers back at the hotel reception. It had been a good evening, it's a shame I had to leave the next day.

(Me on my throne, at the entrance to my kingdom)

This brings me to the final leg of my trip. Coming up in part 3. Cos it was so fucking awful that deserves its own post too.


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That sounds pretty sweet.

I have never been out of the US, and most of what we have here is not my scene, so I would love to go to some divey parts of Europe.

Until then I will live vicariously through you.

Well my life is pretty vicarious.. if you ever come to the UK, hit me up ;) I'll show you some dives xx

Pusher street sounds dope.

Yeah if I was an American teenager I might've called it dope too.

Sorry, I've seen too much American TV. It was so dope.

I'd rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed.

That's a great saying, did you come up with it by yourself?