Travel with Zubash: My First Day in Montenegro

in #travel7 years ago

Vacation ... Not just a period of time, when every day you do not go to work, from morning till night, something is busy, and then you do not even remember. A real vacation is memories, emotions, new sensations and knowledge, this is something that you do not mind spending money on, this is Travel. You just need to start, and then you wait a whole year for him to go on a new journey. And, the first six months you live with memories of the previous, and the second half a year you plan a new one.
The protracted world economic crisis made adjustments to the time limits. Therefore, after the last trip in October 2008 and the current one - two and a half years. By the established tradition, we are not going to the place where we planned at the beginning. In the travel agency Bulgaria turned into Montenegro (why you need Bulgaria - in Montenegro it is more interesting).
Montenegro is the small state in South-Eastern Europe. Throughout the centuries, from time to time, it gained independence and lost again - these territories were part of Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman empires, the kingdoms of Serbia and Yugoslavia, partly the Venetian Republic, and in the recent past the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the collapse of which eventually allowed 2006 to proclaim complete independence. Independence is received, but there is practically no industry, agriculture can not become a locomotive of the economy either, but there is a sea, mountains, sun and a rich history, and all this can be profitable to sell to tourists. Than we, tourists, did not hesitate to take advantage. After using the "World Wide Web" as a source of information and virtual travel in Google Earth, the choice was made -the village of Sveti Stefan . Active tour for 12 days with accommodation in the villa "Rajen".
June 16, 2011, 15:30 - 18:00 flight Kiev-Tivat, and here we are in Montenegro. The first impression is very similar to the South Coast of Crimea. The usual procedure of meeting the representative of the host party - the company "Pilon International", a transfer to hotels and villas. On the way, we plant tourists who have chosen to rest in Budva , Becici, Rafailovici.
Why the village of Sveti Stefan? As it seemed to us, there is no more romantic, picturesque and sparsely populated resort in Montenegro. For fans of noisy parties, discos and crowded beaches, i.e. for those who want to "look at people and (first of all) show themselves", this place will not work. And we were not mistaken. The island of Sveti Stefan itself is the visiting card of Montenegro, there is no such prospectus or guidebook where this handsome island, connected by a dam to the mainland, was not captured. The whole island is occupied by a deluxe hotel, which has seen many celebrities.

Until 1957 it was a fishing village, a few inhabitants moved, and their houses turned into luxury apartments, keeping the outside intact.

The village is located nearby, from four to five-story villas, some are still unfinished. Villa "Rajen" was nice, cozy and appropriate to the declared class. A small, drowning patio in the subtropical greenery.

Where, as it turned out, kiwi grows like grapes.

And hydrangeas are not worse than roses.

The rooms are assigned to the operators, so the attempt to change the view from the balcony (the mountains to the sea) has not been successful. Although, subsequently, the view of the mountains with a small church on top was appreciated. Strangely enough, the Montenegrin language is not so far from Russian, most of the guests are Russian-speaking, but neither the owner nor the attendants at all know Russian.
Having settled down, we went to our first sightseeing tour to explore the surrounding area. It was already evening, and our first photographs were evening Sveti Stefan.

몬테네그로는 동유럽의 작은 주입니다. 수세기에 걸쳐 수시로 독립국을 얻었고 다시 잃었습니다.이 영토는 로마, 비잔틴, 오스만 제국, 세르비아 왕국과 유고 슬라비아 왕국, 일부는 베네치아 공화국이었으며 최근에는 과거 사회주의 연방 공화국 유고 슬라비아의 붕괴로 2006 년에는 완전한 독립을 선언하게되었다. 독립은 받아 들여지지 만 산업이 거의 없기 때문에 농업은 경제의 기관차가 될 수 없지만 바다, 산, 태양 및 풍부한 역사가 있으며이 모든 것이 관광객에게 이익이 될 수 있습니다. 우리 관광객 들보 다 주저하지 않았습니다. Google 어스에서 정보 및 가상 여행의 원천으로 'World Wide Web'을 사용한 후 Sveti Stefan 마을이 선택되었습니다. 별장 "Rajen"에서 숙박과 12 일간의 투어.


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