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RE: Travel Blog | Daintree Rainforest Australia | 10th Anniversary Holiday

in #travelblog7 years ago

We ended our 2 month (almost) Oz roadtrip in Cairns about 2 years ago, didn't get further north (I'll explain why in a minute), so it was really great to see your story and photos.

Half our trip was driving from Adelaide to Cairns, about 5600 kms. Most Aussies we met asked 'Why?'. Well we wanted to see things and meet people, and you can't do that from 30,000 feet. We are used to long distances in Canada, for example it's almost the same distance round-trip from our home to friends in Florida, and we do that in 6 days total, so 5600 km in Oz in 32 days - some days just chilling on the Gold Coast for example - was not a big deal for us. And we did see things and meet people - you can find my posts of Oz (and NZ too) on worldmap.



Woahhhh that's such a long drive @brightongreg! You're absolutely right, Australia (and any country for that matter) is best experienced on the land cos you never know what you might see. I'll take a look at your posts for sure. A quick look shows you obviously travel a lot! Good on ya.

I was concerned that strict speed enforcement would impact some of our longer stints but was pleasantly surprised to find out it's relaxing to drive when everyone is doing 99 kph and no-one - like in North America - is on your bumper flashing their lights or actually passing you on the wrong side! And the trivia signs in QLD -'Are we there yet?', 'What's the State flower?' - were brilliant! Make sure you check out Australia #18 pinned at Airlie Beach - my uncharacteristic poor planning en route will hopefully make you laugh...
Not traveling this winter unfortunately due to some minor health issues which need tending to but I am warm indoors planning next year's winter escape!
Safe travels.