in #travelvee6 years ago

                TRAVELVEE TOKEN

After the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009 the world of cryptocurrencies have seen the rise of other coins and tokens aimed at different purposes like some for medical issues, some for precious stone trading and investing ( Gold, Diamond etc.) and many more. But there is this industry that have contributed billions of dollars every year to the worlds GDP, in fact it is estimated to be the second after the extraction of hydrocarbons and it can boast of a 15-17% of the world GDP with the possibility of annual growth. The tourism industry has grown so big that it now accommodate other intermediaries that provides the product and services that it needs, a critical example is the many tour operators that offer fast and convenient reservation to tourist like,,, just to mention a few, and usually millions of dollars are being spent yearly just for advertisement by investors in this business with the aim of attracting new customers and yet it is considered to be a successful and profitable business. But there are still some issues facing this business as almost in every tourist site or hotels bookings are not always filled even during the holiday seasons therefore leading to an increase in cost of service being rendered, increase in staff turnover, affect the quality of service rendered and many more disadvantages. We have witnessed bankruptcy of many tour operators each year which brings about difficulty to many tourists, such intermediaries form high prices in the industry and restrict the large flow of tourist which will evidently yield great capital to the industry.
Why Travelvee
Travelvee is a decentralized travel platform for travel and travel bookings, this platform makes it possible and easier for an individual who wants to travel to choose from the exclusive offers of hotels and other tours give to him and on the exact date he wishes to travel. So for users of the platform that intend traveling to a specific location they just need to send their wish which include the price and the terms and the location and immediately the hotels in that location sends their offers directly to the user so he can select that which best suits his budget.
For customers there are two types of reservations they can choose from which are

  1. Early booking
  2. Hot reservation
    For early booking the tourist can make use of lots of filters and state which includes; Age, desired destination, number of holidaymakers, country, mountains, seas, internet, planned budget, minimum requirement and many more. And on giving his request almost all tourist facilities that fall under his condition will be invited on the platform to make personal offers within 24 hours, which will be visible only to the client as this will help avoid cartel arrangement from the facilities, and when the client makes his choice all other tourist sites will be automatically notified that a choice has been made and that particular hotel or site as it may be will receive 100% payment automatically.
    For hot reservations which is most suitable for business trips and will undergo the same process condition like the early booking. The clients makes a requests for his desired parameter including the budget he has set aside for the hotel on his arrival to a particular location on the Travelvee website, then instantly all hotels around that location he is sees the request he has made and send him accommodation proposal based on their occupancy within the range of the budget he has made,making it possible for the client to get the best accommodation at his own cost due to many accommodation proposals that he has to choose from. Sometimes though the client might choose to indicate the particular hotel he is interested in if it is a 4-star or 5-star as the case may be and only hotels that fall in these categories will be invited that is within that same location and budget. All offers from the different hotels will be sent only to the client and not made public to avoid the hotels forming cartels and immediately the client makes his choice the rest of the hotels are notified that a choice has been made then a direct contact between the client and the tourist site is established. With this pattern more tourists will flood the industry and generating huge capitals.
    In the case of tourist facilities they will be able to cut down on unnecessary costs of fees and commissions for each resident because now they are dealing directly with the client so they can choose to their own personal offer to all Travelvee clients and get access to rating. There will be a “mild card” for active users of the platform which gives additional bonuses and discounts. There is also a club auction that each tourist site on the Travelvee platform will have the opportunity to be part of, which is also available to all users and participants. There are two types of auction which are (1) open auction where everyone will see the proposed amount and be able to give a better price and the best offer wins at the end of the auction. (2) Closed auction where all offers will be anonymous and users will evaluate and decide for themselves how much they will give for a certain lot, and at the end of the auction the best offer wins.
    On the Travelvee platform tokens will serve as the only unit between the Travelvee Platform and hotels but payment between the clients and the hotel are planned to be made in fiat currency, debit cards as well as the domestic currency of token travel, and the hotel in turn receives a digital currency, which is then used to calculate with the platform travel or uses the same money to buy travel tokens on the exchange. The annual subscription fee for each of the hotels or tourist objects is 100 EUR for a small object, 200 EUR for an average facility and 300 EUR for a large object. During the initial coin offering the utility traveling tokens will be sold to generate 10 to 30 million dollars in cryptocurrencies.

September 2017
We conduct research for market needs for new rooms in hotel rooms. We conduct research among sellers - we deal with hotel managers and owners and tourist sites. We are specifically involved as consultants and experts
January 2018
Technical assignment statement for developing Travelve platform programming, platform development!
March 2018
The preparation of documentation for ICO
September 2018
Launch of site with information about ICO
October 2018
We launch and run open mode Beta version of the Travelvee platform, we have access to users and hotels.
October 2018
Starting from the Bounty company
October 15, 2018
Start presale, which is scanned by the application of $ 1M
November 15, 2018
Launch the Travel platform and start the time at which we will use all costs from the hotel.
November 29, 2018
Start the gift for hackers and programmers to look for bugs in the version of the travel platform.
December 1, 2018
Launch ICO
February 15, 2019
Completion of ICO
February 2019
List of TRAVEL tokens on IDEX exchanges and decentralized EtherDelta trading
February 2019
Travelvee Company Registration in Liechtenstein
March 2019
Open an office in Europe and choose the staff needed
April 2019
The launch of the Travelvee advertising company platform was designed for 2 years
April 2019
List of TRAVEL tokens on the exchange
May 2019
Launch the site with information for investors - token holders, with reports on the movements of tokens, prices, news, the number of tokens burned. Information about Travelvee platform development, number of users, number of hotels, tourist locations. Turnover tokens given for services, reports on money presented to the platform and popularizing the Travelvee platform and other costs.
September 2019
Opening of offices in Asia, America and Australia.
April 2021
Transition to operating mode where only 50% of tokens received from customers will be destroyed.
April 2022
Transition to operating mode where only 30% of tokens received from customers will be destroyed.
April 2023
Transition to operating mode where only 20% of tokens received from customers will be destroyed.
April 2024
Transition to operating mode where only 10% of tokens received from customers will be destroyed.

The Travelvee platform is one that not just a new breakthrough in the world of cryptocurrencies but also a profitable one both for the tourist facilities and the tourist themselves. This will save expenses for the hotel and help fill the hotel base which will help increase profit for the hotels and reduce costs for customers and therefore generate high turnover for the crypto currency. Therefore we encourage you to carefully read this article and also the risk involve so that you can be part of this wonderful platform.
Authored by Cryptowin1
Profile Link:;u=2068163

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