Trees in nature are shaped by natural forces: wind, water, fire (sun) and rocks as earth. Of course, trees can also revert to the elements: protect from wind, give us a cool shadow from the sun, new life beginning after wildfire, absorb and evaporate the water, and break the rocks in small pieces. Because living is much stronger than lifeless.
On the rocks (Várgesztes, Climbing School Rocks):

Torn by storm, near Várgesztes:

Decomposition of the dead tree, by fungi and insects:

Clambered on rocks, at Károlyi-kilátó (Bodajk, Bakony mountains):

Old linden in the Gaia-valley - She is an old lady, a tree-grandmother. I gave her a painted pebble from the Bükk mountains and she also gave me another stone in exchange!

The pebble with ancient runic script (bliss) i gave her:

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Its amazing those threes can growing on the rock. Thx for sharing @kalemandra
Thank you! Yes, they are very spectacular and show a strong contrast between living and lifeless.
Beautiful and dramatic~~!