Top ten photos taken by iPhone in 2017

in #trending7 years ago


The iPhone photo award site published the 2017 winners and their photos with their phones, the top ten photos of the competition.

1- Children of Qayara

اطفال قيارة.jpg

The journalist photographer Sebastiano Tomada took this picture in the town of Qayara in Iraq. "The children walk around the streets of Qayara near the fire and the smoke rising from the oil wells, caused by Isis .

2-The pavement worker

عامل الرصيف.jpg

Her photos are "Brendan OCE", a university teacher, who works in photography in his spare time.
"I picked her up early in the morning when I was walking around the sidewalks in Jakarta in April 2016. It was the hands of the pavement worker who was taking a break," he said of the picture. "I was amazed by the texture formed by the accumulated dirt on his hands."

3-"Performer" representative


"Traditional Chinese opera on the street is part of Chinese culture. Unfortunately, Singapore's young generation is no longer interested in this culture," said Yu Kwangyu, an independent photographer from Singapore.

"So the street opera started to disappear quickly, and instead of portraying its performance, I decided to look behind the scenes," he said. "This picture was spotted by an artist who takes a short rest and was waiting for his turn to perform."

4-City Palace

قصر المدينة.jpg

"Udaipur is one of the most romantic cities in India," said Quanglong Chang, a freelance photographer from Shenzhen City in China, in the city's palace, one moment of staff staring at the window as if he saw the historical track slowly to build the palace , Which was a very attractive moment. "

5-America as I know it

أمريكا كما أعرفها.jpg

Pictures of "Juan Carlos Castaneda" by the iPhone 7 Plus at the height of the protests in Sting Rock in North Dakota.

"This storm has been caught at its peak and the demonstration is also in a single image, which was chosen for the first place, and everyone there stood up until it became impossible to carry on physically," he said.

6-The place is bare

المكان المجرد.jpg

"I have always sought to connect with the concept of the viewer's ideas of beauty and poise, and this has continued to shape my image," he said.

"In this picture, I was trying to capture the bright threads of light, those that glow and move from place to place."

7-Man and Eagle

رجل ونسر.jpg

"The courageous and wise lives are living along the mountains in the south of Xinjiang, where they accompany the eagles, regard them as their children and train them for many years for hunting," he said.

"This 70-year-old man looks tough and intimidating to family and friends, but when he's with the beloved eagle, his smile shows up beautifully."

8-the horse


"I photographed my horse" while he was resting and drying himself under the sun while looking at me, "said Francesca Tungotti.



Her photos are "Paddy Zhao" from Taipei, Taiwan.

"This picture was taken while I was traveling in India," says Chow. "Chand Bowery consists of 3500 narrow, 13-storey highways and extends about 30 meters into the ground, making it one of the deepest and largest drawers in India."



Taken by Sidney Po south of Cebu City in the Philippines from within a field of Lloyd Lidda.