Princess Leia on a space bikini: Two good reasons to love Carrie Fisher (Trialbycomics submission)
There's a place in every nerd's heart for princess Leia wearing a space bikini, which makes complete sense given that Carrie Fisher was a total hottie (Rest in peace). Not even Luke Skywalker, despite being Leia's brother, could resist her charms. Han Solo fell for the same spell but he succeeded winning her heart (lucky bastard). In conclusion, it is very difficult not to feel attracted to a girl that looks that good on bikini, and also has the guts to wield a gun.
I honestly drew Princess Leia because I think she is hot. I never got the chance to know Carrie Fisher's career, but for this iconic role on the Return of the Jedi, I think she deserves an standing ovation. Who wouldn't like to have a girl like this as a sidekick, as an adventure partner, or as a yoga instructor? If you agree with me please write it at the comment section.

Lol, I had forgotten all about that scene. She was definitely beautiful. Great drawing, have a great day(: