Trial by Comics winner for "Game of Thrones" week and next theme announced!

in #trialbycomics7 years ago (edited)

Good evening, Steemians and comic enthusiasts! It’s been a great week for art on Steemit, despite the bloodshed on the exchanges. That’s one of the beautiful things about our community and I’ve discussed this at length with my fellow crypto-friend and artist @mada. When the market takes a shit, the majority of the Steemit community doesn’t reel in anxiety. We’re not defined or shaken by dips in the price of STEEM. Whenever I introduce a new friend to Steemit as a concept, I always explain that the post rewards are secondary, or even tertiary to the community and the sense of inspiration that comes with being active on the platform. Without a doubt, I’ve reached a creative renaissance in my last year of being on the Steemit.

Winner of Week 2 “Game of Thrones”

Alright, on to the Trial by Comics results for week two! The theme was “Game of Thrones”, announced during the season finale of the television series. Our guest judge was @cryptlectibles and he stepped up even though he’s publicly admitted to not being a Game of Thrones enthusiast. That said, though, he made it clear much of his decision would be based on the art alone. Without further adieu, the winner of “Game Of Thrones” for #trialbycomics is @jnart for his entry of Daenerys Targaryen with a glint of Jon Snow in her eye. Congratulations, @jnart! You’ll be receiving 25.000 SBD.

Here are some of the other entries from incredible Steemit comic artists that all deserve a follow if you’re looking to fill your feed with brilliant creators!




“Superheroes” is our theme for Week 3! Superheroes can be a wide breath of characters. Spandex tights may be what comes to mind, ranging from the household names of DC and Marvel. Batman, Superman, Spiderman and Wolverine, but there’s grey areas of course. Anti-heroes like Marv from Sin City, Hellboy or James O’Barr’s The Crow. In my example, I did Spawn. The comic and artists most responsible for inspiring me to collect, study and draw comics. The only guideline I’d like to put in place is no deliberate villains […let’s save that for a future #trialbycomics].

A quick word on upcoming contests. This is a comics contest and I have every intention of developing this in to actual comic entries, meaning sequential art. Someone asked about that in a previous comment, but for these first few weeks until the ball is rolling and each week has a growing number of participants, I’m keeping the themes more rudimentary.

Deadline is Sunday, Wednesday, September 13th 5:00UTC 12:00a.m. CTS


• Up to three entries per trial round [weekly].

• Original artwork only

• Winners will be chosen based on quality of work, submitted before deadline and ability to adhere to the weekly trial theme

• Must resteem the contest post you’re participating in

• Must include #trialbycomics hashtag [please note the change because this is how we will find your entry]

The winner will receive 25.000SBD. I am looking for a regular weekly sponsor to match this reward to offer 50.000 SBD on a week to week basis. If you’d like to contribute to the prize or match my own, please contact me as a sponsor, but note that sponsors cannot participate in that weeks #trialbycomics!

Thank you @cryptlectibles for being this past week’s guest judge. I’ll take over for week 3, but if you’re interested in being a guest judge, please DM me on the Steemit Chat @kommienezuspadt.

Thank you for everyone that participated last week and I can’t wait to see your best superheroes entries! Now get out there and make comics!


I couldn't agree more about the community here! It's no fun watching the free money we receive go down, but having a handful of people really give a shit about what I'm doing keeps me posting every day.

This place could be/should be the future for all artists looking to make friends and hopefully someday free us from our corporate (usually advertising) overlords!

Also congrats to all the artists obviously! I'm really enjoying all this themed art! I hope someone draws Hellboy for next week's competition...

I second those sentiments!

I'm brand new here to Steemit, just joined yesterday myself, but everywhere I am going all I see is support. What a great change from the "norm" most of us have seen in other places.

Great art! And I'm checking you out as well, drwatson!

Here's my entry! About 15 minutes to spare I believe... -edit- Ha! I totally had last Sunday's deadline in mind, the contest still has time to run! I'll craft a standalone post a bit later as well. I went with @kommienezuspadt's suggestion of Marv from Sin City. But since Marv is at the edge of the superhero genre, I gave more of a nod to the theme by mashing him up with an iconic Superman image by Alex Ross.


I did learn that when drawing Marv it's rather impossible to not have a little Frank Miller hanging out... that's not a euphemism, this post is still safe for work!

Nice headless Violator :-)

You have no idea how happy that makes me that you noticed that @cryptastic! I started drawing this on the plane coming back from LA and didn't have any reference.

well it's top notch, beautifully done

Amazing artwork! I liked them all

Thanks @helenril! The comic community here is incredible. Steemit is for artists!

It definitely is

Thank you! A really inspiring contest to enhance drawing skills! I'll keep on contributing in different forms.

Thank u very much congrats @jnart ^ ^

Thanks for participating @yusaymon. I may ask you to guest judge one of these soon, but I always love having you participate.

Thank u it´s a honor to me !! of course why not? someday ^ ^

I think you missed including the winning piece in the post!

Oh yeah, and all your example pieces have been amazing. I think sometimes when you have a guest judge lined up... you should let yourself compete!

Oh, damn. Thank you @bryan-imhoff. Wonky bit of code that didn't copy right. That defeats the entire contest if I don't include the winner. Fixed! Thanks very much. Beyond the contest, I want to commit myself to drawing a big elaborate comic piece each week, which is truthfully why #trialbycomics began. I wanted an excuse to draw the stuff I wanted to draw but knew I wouldn't make the time for it unless it was a priority. The Spawn drawing was SOOOO fun! I can't enter, lol. I'll always be paying out the prize. That's fine, though. I just love seeing other Steemians participate. I'm actually entering this as we speak. I'm working on a Vampire Hunter D sketch that @vermillionfox isn't too happy about :P

When I saw @jnart's work, I was - no way! So amazing! :) All of you are incredibly talented beyond words!

congrats!!! :D