Are Tribes the Internet 3.0 the world has been waiting for?

in #tribes5 years ago (edited)

3 years ago when Steemit just launched I made this post called Steemit's future.. more like Facebook or Youtube? where I talked about the future of Steem, and whether it would be more like Facebook or Youtube.. Well now we have BOTH!! With the blockchain layers and sidechain technology we can create possibly a messaging dapp built on the blockchain that is used with Tribes kind of like SteemConnect or Keychain.. While also using services like to allow communities or "Tribes" to integrate things like videos on their own pages!

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I was explaining to my wife about Tribes, and she works for this company Younique where they sell make-up in a multi-level marketing style. However, they incentivize their customers and community with something called YCASH. Now this is used on their own Younique website where they can use this YCASH to earn & buy makeup with it.

I basically told her that if she wanted to understand Tribes.. Think of a website like Facebook, but is maybe called or Younique.World where everyone in the Younique community could log in to see their friends or see specific posts, and by engaging in the Younique community (by upvoting posts or earning on comments) they can earn YCASH, which they use to buy makeup or invest in projects or ideas in that community.

With Tribes this is now possible!

Imagine if this company created a Tribe, and then allowed their customers to "burn" YCASH from their own website for a token called YCASH on the blockchain. This YCASH token could be traded on Steem-Engine for STEEM or other crypto/tokens that actually have real value in the REAL world!

Imagine more people in this community working harder to grow projects, and by doing this they engage and earn more of this YCASH, which they use to trade for Steem or even Bitcoin! (Not financial advice just an example!) This could help not just this makeup company, but EVERY company in the world that wants to incentivize their product and grow their community!!

I think we are moving into a future where things like Tribes are necessary, and where people stop gathering in large overpopulated communities like Facebook or even Steemit! Because there is too much there, and too many people looking to engage in a meaningful community of like minded people.. It makes more sense to have their own Tribes for things like gaming, finance, news, weather, and even more!

With different communities we can all engage in multiple communities that interest us, and incentivize us the most!

Either way I am excited about the future of Steem and blockchain technology!

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Disclaimer: I am not an Investment Adviser, and this is not investment advice!


Communities are certainly a very interesting component of how people will find their voice online and connect with others they like to hang with. The question remains as to whether or not it will become too fractured with too many different sites to keep track of. For example, if I don't add the palnet tag on my post, that community will miss what I post on steemit. That will happen even more as we create more tribes and separate communities.

I was thinking of this, and I thought maybe there could be MotherTribes for maybe Music, News, etc.. and have multiple Tribes to subscribe to and engage with all in one place!

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