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RE: What does it mean to be a light-worker? (@TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question)

That's awesome :-) I was really stoked to find that piece, it definitely seems like having an idea of those things could help give a lot of folks some context & guidance with their experiences of life.

I've definitely found that SO many of the most powerful lightworkers I know came from some pretty intensely difficult early lives. Wonderful to see how much healing and good can come from such pain.


Yea i don't think i've met any that have had it easy. It's definitely a catalyst, which brought clarity for me- Like oh it was nothing personal, it's just what i needed to wake up. Still working through the pain though, but the understanding most certainly helps.

Also thank you for recommending me into @earthtribe.

@elamental informed me and so I wish to Thank-You. I was really hoping to find like minded people on here and it really does mean a lot to be part of it, and that someone noticed my writing as being that way inclined. Takes nothing to give thanks.

Thanks :D

It surely seems to be! The pain is something I find myself ever digging up new pockets of, and personally I love hitting some old gold and just crying for days :-)

I felt you were a perfect fit right away, and I've got you on my list to bump up to @TribeSteemUp once the prices get back in order and I can start adding people again. Thanks for doing the work you're doing!

Ha! Spending days crying is all too familiar!!!

Ah that's awesome news, thanks again :) Here was me semi worried id have a negative response to some of what i may write! Good ol' conditioning! ;)